Send your resource pack without the need for uploading it directly.
Overview of ResourcePackNoUpload Plugin
This tool for Minecraft servers allows administrators to efficiently handle and circulate resource packs without relying on external hosting services.
Getting Started
The RNU will automatically generate configuration templates if they are absent, but it requires further adjustments to function correctly. Two critical aspects are setting the port for the resource pack provider and establishing the loader that will load the resource pack.
Setting the Port
To configure the server:
- For the RNU plugin:
- For the RNU mod:
Here is an example of the required configuration:
# Open this server port for players port: 25008 # Choose a port that players can access. # Provide the root address that will be sent to players, typically # `http://` + server's public IP + `:` + port specified above. # Example: # publicLinkRoot: "" # # Generally, this field is not mandatory, but for Pterodactyl-based # servers, it is essential. publicLinkRoot:
Setting Up the Resource Pack Loader
Configure the plugin (can be reloaded with
/rnu reload
): - For the RNU plugin:
- For the RNU mod:
Below is an example setup:
# The texture pack loader called whenever the resource pack is loaded via the RNU. loader: type: # Specify your loader type here. # Additional fields depend on the loader type selected.
Available Loader Types:
Manual: This option allows direct loading from a specified folder using an existing directory.
type: Manual
# This path is relative to the server's root directory.
# For example, resource pack files should reside in `Cool Folder`.
# Cool Folder/pack.mcmeta
# Cool Folder/assets/minecraft...
folder: "rnu resource pack/Cool Folder/"
Download: This method fetches the resource pack from a web link while employing HTTP headers. Initially, it might seem contrary to the RNU’s purpose, but this loader also accommodates HTTP headers for the download request, enabling access to packs with private keys that aren’t directly supported by the Minecraft client.
type: Download
# The download link.
# Optional: A list of headers with corresponding keys and values.
- key: "Authorization"
value: "Bearer drive_api3213xih32i9DASKxE83hd9203f1930c0ll-d1v3-t0k3n2389"
WithMovedFiles: This type moves files from a loader into a different location.
type: WithMovedFiles
# Path content to be moved. Supports unknown paths with `?`.
# For this example, the downloaded content for the loader link could be:
# `Robsutar-super-cool-pack78HN3278gj32d/assets/minecraft...`
# Using this first folder as the source while ignoring their name.
folder: "?/"
# The target folder for the moved files, typically the resource pack root.
destination: ""
# This can utilize any loader. In this example, we are referencing a GitHub release,
# using a personal access token that has read permissions. Depending on the release,
# the resource pack contents may be nested within another download file, hence we use
# WithMovedFiles for adjustment.
type: Download
- key: "Authorization"
value: "Bearer github_pat_uS78ih32i9DASKxE83hd9203f1930c0ll-g1t-t0k3n2389"
- key: "Accept"
value: "application/vnd.github.v3+json"
WithDeletedFiles: This loader type allows you to ignore files from another loader based on specified paths.
type: WithDeletedFiles
# Path to be ignored, supports glob pattern matching. For instance, to delete all
# files that end with `.md`.
toDelete: "**.md"
# To ignore entire directory contents:
# toDelete: "assets/all_inside_me_will_be_deleted/**/*"
# To skip a specific file:
# toDelete: "assets/minecraft/i_will_be_deleted.txt"
# This can also utilize any loader; here we show the use of a simple Manual loader.
type: Manual
folder: "rnu resource pack/Cool Folder/"
Merged: This loader merges resources from a list of other loaders, prioritizing those listed first.
type: Merged
# A list; each entry should define the parameters of the respective loader.
# For overriding circumstances, loaders positioned earlier in the list take precedence,
# meaning their files will supersede those loaded later.
- type: Manual
folder: "rnu resource pack/Cool Folder/"
- type: Manual
folder: "plugins/ModelEngine/resource pack/"
Additional Configurations
The config.yml file contains various other settings, including messaging options and behaviors of the RNU. Please consult the automatically generated config.yml for further details.