With the Pirates mode, as you navigate the vast oceans of Minecraft BE, you’ll encounter ships of various sizes filled with corsairs who guard their plundered gold against any traveler they come across. As a brave player, you won’t miss the chance to seize a pirate ship. Get ready for a thrilling and perilous battle against hordes of desperate rogues!
Features of the Pirates Mod
The mod known as Pirates introduces two types of pirate ships, each containing four trophies. Additionally, you will gain access to six new weapon varieties and five pirates in Minecraft.
Types of pirates include captain, first mate, swordsman, duelist, and marksman. Four of them engage in combat with cutlasses, while the marksman attacks using bullets from a flintlock pistol. Each character inflicts a specific amount of damage, and their health varies based on the pirate’s rank. For instance, the captain has 60 health points, whereas the swordsman only has 30.
There are six types of boarding sabers available: wooden, golden, stone, iron, diamond, and netherite. The boarding saber is a lighter version of vanilla Minecraft swords, allowing for faster running speed compared to wielding a sword. Another advantage is the damage it deals. However, its drawbacks include the inability to repair or enchant it. Crafting recipes for all types of boarding sabers are provided below.
On larger ships, you can discover more loot compared to smaller ones. Additionally, there are certainly more pirates aboard the bigger vessels.
To acquire a flintlock pistol in MCBE, you must defeat a pirate marksman. This pistol is quite powerful and can be used an unlimited number of times. However, it does have one drawback — its aim is slightly off.
Mod Update 1.0.3
- Fixed textures and models
- The mod has been updated to the latest game version
Уважаемые друзья пожалуста сделайте мод на предметы, ну там пушки, бутылки рома, мушкеты(незабудте что их надо долго перезаряжать), компас, пиратскую одежду, подзорную трубу(есле сможете оружие: сабли,мушкеты,пистолеты и предметы:компас, подзорную трубу, и т.д. СДЕЛАЙТЕ В 3D.) Сделайте так , что есле ты в одежде КАПИТАНА ПИРАТОВ пиратом ниже рангом можно отдавать приказы(следовать,стоять,не стреллять,занять пушку, и т.д.) спасибо за внимание надеюсь до РАССТРЕЛА дело не дойдёт! ; )