The mod “More Stuff! (Additional Materials)” introduces a vast array of new blocks, items, tools, beverages, and various other objects to Minecraft!
Enhanced Chests. To place the new type of chest, hold it in your hand and crouch. A hologram will appear, and once it’s complete, right-click or tap the screen to position the chest. Keep holding the crouch button until the process is finished. To break this chest, take a wrench and, while crouching again, hit the chest. All its contents will be destroyed as well.
If the hologram does not disappear, use the command “/function removehologram“.
Jewelry Chest. This is an excellent storage option for valuable items. To start using it, you need to tame it. Only the owner can open or close it without a key. Other players cannot access it but can destroy it with a pickaxe. Safe. Similar to the jewelry chest, but more secure. Other players cannot break it with any tools.
Closed Chest. Can only be opened by players who possess a special key. All items inside are completely safe.
Treasure Chest. Features an automatic spawning system in desert biomes, on beaches, and in mountains. Contains random items.
Composter. Functions similarly to the vanilla Minecraft composter but is faster and more efficient.
Trash Bin. Discard all unwanted items and blocks here to prevent cluttering your inventory.
Mobile Chest. This moving chest follows its owner around. An excellent choice for storing valuable materials.
Versatile tools that allow you to open, close, and delete chests. You can also adjust their sizes.
Note: All actions (taming, destruction, unlocking, locking) are performed by holding down on the chest (right-clicking) with a specific item in hand or while crouching.
Jewelry Chest
- Tamed using a wrench in hand.
- Unlocked/locked while crouching.
- Can only be destroyed with a crowbar when it is locked.
- Is unlocked using a wrench in hand.
- Locked/unlocked by holding down the crouch key.
Closed Chest
- Locked/unlocked by holding down the crouch key.
Treasure Chest
- Locked/unlocked by holding down the crouch key.
- To create compost, gather seeds and plants, then press and hold (right-click) on the chest. The cooldown period is two seconds.
Trash Bin
- Opens/closes by holding down the crouch key.
- Items can be thrown into the bin while it is open.
Portable Chest
- Domesticated using red dust in the hand and a crouched position.
- Can be opened/closed while crouching.
- Treated with red dust.
- Activated/deactivated by crouching.
- Leashed/unleashed from the hand.
Crafting Recipes
Key. Wrench.
Pry Bar.
Resizing Tool.
Jewelry Chest.
Sealed chest.
Trash bin.
Mobile Chest.
Crafting recipe for the backpack. First, you need to tame the backpack using a regular chest.
After that, you can lock it so that other players cannot access it.
You can dye backpacks using dyes.
To wear the backpack, simply stand on it. To remove it, crouch and then jump.
Coca-Cola. Restores 5 hunger points and grants regeneration effect 3 for five minutes. Coffee. Restores 4 hunger points and provides speed boost 2 for ten minutes.
Juice. Restores 5 hunger points and gives jump boost 2 for five minutes.
Installing More Stuff! (.mcpack)
- Download the mod labeled as “.mcpack” below.
- Open the downloaded file to import the add-on/texture into Minecraft.
- Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition and navigate to world settings.
- For your world, set the imported:
— Resource Packs.
— Add-ons. - Select the imported resource packs/add-ons in each section.
- It is recommended to restart the Minecraft PE client afterward.
- Start Minecraft Pocket Edition, enter the previously configured world Minecraft, and enjoy the add-on!
Фигня и точка
Почему на сайте показан мод на еду, который я хочу скачать, а в игре не я заметил, что еды нету, вместо неё какая-то магияПочему на сайте показан мод на еду, который я хочу скачать, а в игре я заметил, что еды нету, вместо неё какая-то магия