Items taken by mobs, treasures hidden in broken chests that are out of reach—these are all minor inconveniences. However, when you find your belongings scattered outside a cave, that’s a real issue. So, what should you do in such situations? You need to download the mod “Item Magnet” for Minecraft, which will assist you in easily retrieving lost items by simply pulling them towards you.
Crafting the Magnet
To craft it, you’ll need: 1 iron ingot, 1 redstone dust, and 1 gold ingot.
This is one of those Minecraft recipes where you don’t need to arrange the items in a specific order. You can place them anywhere you like within a 3×3 or 2×2 grid. The only requirement is that you have the items themselves.
Using the Magnet
To make the magnet attract items, hold it in your main hand. It will indicate which item is being attracted.
The magnet will attract items only under the following conditions:
The item you wish to attract must be within a 7-block radius from you.
The magnet must be held in your hand.
There should be no obstacles between the object and the magnet.
You can attract a maximum of three items at once.
To ensure the mod functions properly, please enable experimental gameplay.
Installing Item Magnet (.zip)
Download the mod provided below.
Extract two folders from the archive.
Move the folder titled Item Magnet into the /games/com.mojang/behavior_packs/ directory.
Transfer the folder named Item Magnet into the /games/com.mojang/resource_packs/ directory.
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