If you have ever recorded a video presentation of your server or map in Minecraft, you probably struggled with various icons cluttering the game screen. The “Hands Only” mod prepares the screen by removing all distractions and leaving only your character’s hands.
The mod does not require any settings, just install it in Minecraft, and you’re good to go! Everything except for hands, crosshair, and player name will be removed from the game screen interface.
Crosshair and Name
If you want to remove the crosshair and name, leaving only hands, go to settings in the “display” section.
Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10
Скачать аддон Hands Only (.mcaddon) [Обязательно!]
Скачать Hands Only
[8.00 Kb] downloads: 6
Бесполезный мод можно просто в настройке зделать точна так как в этом моде!!!!