Adds new variations to the Creaking based on the type of wood used during its spawning.
Grafted Creaking
Transforms the Creaking into a versatile mob featuring wood-based variants. This allows players to summon and utilize different versions for various activities including pranks, defense, and more specialized tasks.
Key Features
- Player-Created Variants
While naturally only Pale Oak Creakings appear in the wild, players can generate additional types by activating a Creaking Heart with various wood types. Each type of wood imparts unique abilities to the Creaking.
Unique Abilities:- Oak: Has no special ability.
- Spruce: Inflicts more damage.
- Birch: Induces blindness (for humor).
- Jungle: Must maintain eye contact to remain still.
- Acacia: Displays increased speed.
- Dark Oak: Despawns at night.
- Mangrove: Capable of walking on water.
- Cherry: Demonstrates a passive nature towards players.
- Pale Oak: Disappears during daylight.
- Crimson: Attacks all nearby entities.
- Warped: Exhibits inverted behavior.
- Bamboo: Multiplies when harmed.
Mushroom: Engages in combat with hostile mobs.
- Mix-and-Match Abilities
Combine different wood types to forge hybrid Creakings that possess multiple abilities. This encourages players to experiment and discover the ideal Creaking for their specific needs.