The mod known as Dynamic Lighting is based on the Java add-on “optifine“. While it may not reach the same level of quality as the original version, it still effectively fulfills its purpose, making lighting in Minecraft much more convenient.
Benefits of the Dynamic Lighting Mod
To utilize any light-emitting items, simply hold them in your hand. Each item provides a fixed light level of 8. If you don’t have enough torches to place throughout a cave in MCPE, you can hold one in your hand and illuminate the area as you move. The character is holding a torch that emits light in MCBE.
This also applies to lanterns. Hold any light source, such as glowstone, Jack’s lantern, torch, or lantern, and walk around, illuminating the area around you.
For some reason, this feature does not work with the sea lantern in Minecraft. Activating experimental gameplay from the latest versions of the mod is not necessary.
История изменений
version 3.0
- Behavior packs and resources have been enhanced
- New items featuring lighting have been introduced
- Light levels have been adjusted
- A new torch with dynamic lighting has been added
- A number of bugs have been fixed
Several items have been implemented that now feature dynamic lighting:
- Glowing berries
- Bucket of lava
- Glowing lichen
The latest version of the mod no longer supports 1.16!
- Compatibility with version 1.18.30 has been established
- Bug fixes have been made
- Removed an unnecessary .JSON script
- The mod is compatible with 1.19
- Frog lights now feature dynamic lighting
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