Ten Sides of the Void Map

09:00, 04.10.2022
Ten Sides of the Void Map

The Map of Ten Sides of the Nether will leave a lasting impression on you. In Minecraft PE, it features not only high-quality design and engaging content but also provides an excellent experience, especially if you’re looking to test your parkour skills.

What You Can Find in the 10 Sides Of Nether Map

The creator has avoided making the difficulty level excessively hard in Minecraft. Everything is challenging, yet balanced. We recommend downloading it for beginners – your jumping abilities in the blocky world will improve significantly. The map consists of ten levels, plus a lobby:

Spawn Point

Спавн | Карта Десять сторон Пустоты

Река лавы

Лавовая река | Карта Десять сторон Пустоты

Crimson forest

Багровый лес | Карта Десять сторон Пустоты

Distorted forest

Valley of the sand souls

Долина песка душ | Карта Десять сторон Пустоты

Basalt biome

Nether fortress

Адская крепость | Карта Десять сторон Пустоты


Piglin Village

Деревня пиглинов | Карта Десять сторон Пустоты

Fort of Withered Skeletons

Ruined Portal

This mini-game is compatible with Minecraft BE version 1.19. Additionally, you can optionally download a pack of skins created by the author for this project.

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать карту 10 Sides Of Nether (.mcworld) [Обязательно!]

Скачать 10 Sides Of Nether
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Скачать скины для карты 10 Sides Of Nether (.mcpack) [Опционально!]

Скачать 10 Sides Of Nether
Download [12.96 Kb] downloads: 1

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.19 ОS: Android

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