Working Brewing Stand [Redstone] Map (1.2 Only)

21:05, 15.09.2017
Working Brewing Stand [Redstone] Map (1.2 Only)

Do you enjoy brewing potions? Today, we invite you to explore a larger and more advanced brewing stand in the world of Minecraft PE. This can be achieved with the help of the map titled “Working Brewing Stand” for Minecraft Pocket Edition, which features an enormous brewing stand powered by redstone. This map allows you to utilize a scaled-up brewing stand that truly functions, built entirely on a redstone mechanism!

How does it work?

First, gather the ingredients you need from the chests. Then, drop everything you’ve selected into the input hoppers, and the potion brewing process will commence in the realm of MCPE!
Working Brewing Stand [Redstone] Map (1.2 Only)

Once you’ve loaded the necessary ingredients into the hoppers, the cooking process will begin automatically!
Working Brewing Stand [Redstone] Map (1.2 Only)

However, to retrieve your finished potions, you’ll still need to press a button that dispenses your brews from the world of MCPE.
Working Brewing Stand [Redstone] Map (1.2 Only)

After completing all these steps, simply head down below to collect your potion supplies from the chest!
Working Brewing Stand [Redstone] Map (1.2 Only)

Curious about how this amazing mechanism works? Take a look inside! Just walk around this massive block, and at the back of the setup, you’ll find ample space to examine everything thoroughly, enabling you to create something unique in the world of Minecraft Pocket Edition.
Working Brewing Stand [Redstone] Map (1.2 Only)

This is what the entire creation looks like from the outside. As you can see, the large brewing stand is situated on a substantial birch block.
Working Brewing Stand [Redstone] Map (1.2 Only)


  • Potion powder is now required for brewing
  • You can place 1-3 water bottles

Installing the Working Brewing Stand Map (.mcworld)

  • Download the map labeled as “.mcworld” below.
  • Run the downloaded file to import the map into MCPE.
  • Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition and select the imported world.

Installing the Working Brewing Stand Map (.zip):

  • Download the map.
  • Extract the map from the archive.
  • Move the map to the path: “/games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds”.
  • Open Minecraft PE > Play > Select the installed map.
  • Enjoy your game!

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

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Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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