Here is the third installment (also referred to as the second sequel) of the map series titled “One Night At Frankie’s” for Minecraft Pocket Edition. For those unfamiliar, these maps draw inspiration from the game Five Nights At Freddy’s, a highly popular horror title for PC. You will take on the role of Steve, who works as a night security guard at Frankie’s. However, this is no ordinary location in MCPE. During the night, all animatronics come to life, and your mission is to stop them.
How to Play?
Before starting the game, you will be asked to read the rules and recommendations, so make sure to spend some time on that; otherwise, you might find yourself quite confused while playing this map for Minecraft Pocket Edition. There is also a voice explanation of the game’s features (if you have sound enabled).
Installing One Night At Frankie’s 3 (.mcworld)
- Download the map labeled — “.mcworld” below.
- Open the downloaded file to import the map into MCPE.
- Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition, then select the imported world.
Installing One Night At Frankie’s 3 (.zip):
- Download the map.
- Extract the map from the archive.
- Move the map to the path: “/games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds”.
- Open Minecraft PE > Play > Select the installed map.
- Enjoy your game!