Map: The Monster Arena 2.0 [Minigame] [Survival]

07:00, 06.05.2018
Map: The Monster Arena 2.0 [Minigame] [Survival]

The map «The Monster Arena 2.0 (Monster Arena)» is an excellent remake of the original Monster Arena. It features numerous enhancements, both old and new. These include fresh monsters to battle, shops, custom armor, a vast arena in Minecraft PE, and much more!

In the heart of a sprawling desert lies an ancient arena. Legends say that this arena is cursed, and anyone who steps onto it will be besieged by endless hordes of monsters. Warriors from all corners of the world have come to test their strength here. You are one of those brave warriors, challenging yourself.
Map: The Monster Arena 2.0 [Minigame] [Survival]

How to Play?

Upon your first entry into the map, it’s advisable to gather your daily loot to receive a headpiece. Daily loot is what you earn each day (according to Minecraft Pocket Edition time). Make sure to converse with every villager to familiarize yourself with the map.

To engage in combat with the monsters, enter through the right entrance; if you’d like to observe the fight, go to the middle entrance. Follow the path marked for each entry as you proceed. At the battle entrance, you’ll see a red line that you must cross to open the gates and access the arena for the fight. Once the battle begins, players in Minecraft PE cannot join until it concludes. The battle ends when no foes remain on the arena.

When the fight starts, there’s no escaping; you must face the monsters until you fall. By battling these creatures, you earn coins. Coins can be used to purchase stronger weapons, powerful armor, and delicious food.
Map: The Monster Arena 2.0 [Minigame] [Survival]
Map: The Monster Arena 2.0 [Minigame] [Survival]

Monster Descriptions

Mini-Mutant Zombie (Replaces Cadaver)

  • The Mini-Mutant Zombie has four spiked arms. This is the most common monster you’ll encounter in the arena, typically appearing in swarms. It behaves like a regular zombie but does not burn in sunlight.
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Weakness: Explosions from mutant creepers and swords

Map: The Monster Arena 2.0 [Minigame] [Survival]

Mutant Zombie (Replaces Zombie)

  • The Mutant Zombie is a larger version of the mini-mutant zombie. It summons mini-mutant zombies by throwing their eggs at the player in Minecraft Pocket Edition. The Mutant Zombie rarely attacks the player.
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Weakness: Bows and quick sword strikes

Map: The Monster Arena 2.0 [Minigame] [Survival]

Mutant Creeper

  • The Mutant Creeper behaves similarly to a standard MCPE creeper. The only differences are its size and explosive power. They can clear out hordes of monsters but can also pose a significant threat to you.
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Weakness: Quick sword strikes

Map: The Monster Arena 2.0 [Minigame] [Survival]

Lazurite Monster

  • The Lazurite Monster, true to its name, resembles a block of lazurite. When it senses danger, it transforms into its second form—a fast-moving blue monster. If you move away a certain distance, it reverts back to its first form.
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Weakness: Bows and swift sword strikes while in its first form

Map: The Monster Arena 2.0 [Minigame] [Survival]

Wolf Golem (Replaces Iron Golem)

  • If you’re unlucky, you may encounter the Wolf Golem. Instead of pushing you away, it launches you into the sky. It sometimes attacks other monsters (except the Mutant Creeper), which you can use to your advantage by striking the Wolf Golem from behind.
  • Difficulty: Hard
  • Weakness: Attacks from bows and swords from behind.

Map: The Monster Arena 2.0 [Minigame] [Survival]

If you’re eager to challenge yourself or your friends in battles against monsters, you simply must try this map!
Map: The Monster Arena 2.0 [Minigame] [Survival]

Installing The Monster Arena 2.0 (.mcworld)

  • Download the map labeled — “.mcworld” below.
  • Run the downloaded file to import the map into MCPE.
  • Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition, then select the imported world.

Installing The Monster Arena 2.0 (.zip):

  • Download the map.
  • Extract the map from the archive.
  • Move the map to the path: “/games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds”.
  • Open Minecraft PE > Play > Select the installed map.
  • Enjoy your game!

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать карту The Monster Arena 2.0 (.mcworld)
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Скачать карту The Monster Arena 2.0 (.zip)
Download [1.16 Mb] downloads: 294

Published by: admin-planet Categories: Mini-games ОS: Android

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