Map: Cave Wars [PvP] [Minigame]

07:00, 30.12.2019
Map: Cave Wars [PvP] [Minigame]

The mapCave Wars” is the inaugural installment of a mini-game series in Minecraft (here’s the second part). Players will engage in combat across a vast world, with the objective being to eliminate all opponents and be the last one standing, which concludes the game. A minimum of 2 players is required. If you enter the map and cannot initiate a battle, it’s likely that the previous match in Minecraft has not yet finished. To make the wait more enjoyable, there are parkour areas available in the lobby.Map: Cave Wars [PvP] [Minigame] Map: Cave Wars [PvP] [Minigame] Map: Cave Wars [PvP] [Minigame] Map: Cave Wars [PvP] [Minigame]

How to Install the Cave Wars Map (.mcworld)

  • Download the map labeled as “.mcworld” from the link below.
  • Open the downloaded file to import the map into Minecraft.
  • Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition, and then select the imported world.

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать карту Cave Wars (.mcworld)
Download [1.50 Mb] downloads: 8

Published by: admin-planet Categories: Mini-games ОS: Android

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