Frosty Spleef Map [Mini-game] 1.0.5+

07:00, 16.03.2017
Frosty Spleef Map [Mini-game] 1.0.5+

Sometimes, you may want to unwind with your friends by playing a game together. Today, we invite you to download the mapFrosty Spleef” for Minecraft Pocket Edition, which will offer you and your friends an exciting experience in Spleef. For those unfamiliar, this mini-game involves breaking blocks beneath your opponents’ feet, causing them to fall to a lower level. This particular map for MCPE is uniquely designed to accommodate up to 5 players, featuring multiple platforms specifically created for gameplay. An additional highlight is that using command blocks from MCPE 1.0.5, you can easily restore the map with just one button press.

How to Play?

First, upon entering this map for Minecraft Pocket Edition, click the button on the right to receive several shovels for the game. Once all players are ready, hit the button in the center, and at that moment, each player will be teleported to the spleef arena.
Map Frosty Spleef [Mini-game] 1.0.5+

After teleportation to the arena, ensure that all players have spread out and no one is standing too close to another. Then, start a countdown from 5, after which the game begins! Break blocks under your opponents to knock them down. The winner will be the last person remaining on the arena.
Map Frosty Spleef [Mini-game] 1.0.5+

And of course, the best part: now, thanks to the command blocks from version Minecraft PE 1.0.5, you can fully reset the map with a single button in the lobby and start the game anew! Just remember to wait for the map to completely restore, as it takes some time.
Map Frosty Spleef [Mini-game] 1.0.5+


  • No throwing snowballs
  • No hitting other players
  • No teaming up
  • The map is recommended for 5 or more players

Installing the Frosty Spleef Map (.mcworld)

  • Download the map labeled — “.mcworld” below.
  • Open the downloaded file to import the map into MCPE.
  • Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition, then select the imported world.

Installing the Frosty Spleef Map (.zip):

  • Download the map.
  • Extract the map from the archive.
  • Move the map to the path: “/games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds”.
  • Go to Minecraft PE > Play > Select the installed map.
  • Have fun playing!

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать карту Frosty Spleef (.mcworld)
Download [290.93 Kb] downloads: 2
Скачать карту Frosty Spleef (.zip)
Download [290.93 Kb] downloads: 0

Published by: admin-planet Categories: Mini-games ОS: Android

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