On a tropical island, the map titled “Abandoned Military Base” is situated amidst the vast ocean of Minecraft, housing a top-secret military installation. Over time, this base fell into disuse, and eventually, the last group of personnel vacated the area. The local inhabitants quickly repurposed the facility for their needs, unfortunately leading to the deterioration of some sections. This village was constructed by villagers in Minecraft Bedrock on the remnants of the military base. A view of the ocean. In the images above, the creator of the map utilized these shaders.
How to Install the Abandoned Military Base Map (.mcworld)
- Download the map labeled as “.mcworld” from below.
- Open the downloaded file to import the map into Minecraft.
- Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition, and then select the imported world.
- Download the map labeled as “.mcworld” from below.
- Open the downloaded file to import the map into Minecraft.
- Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition, and then select the imported world.