How to carefully collect treasure in a temple? [Minecraft PE Guides]

06:30, 26.08.2016
How to carefully collect treasure in a temple? [Minecraft PE Guides]

This guide is designed for beginners. Here, I will introduce you to temples and explain what to do when you find one in Minecraft: Pocket Edition.

There are two types of temples. The first type is located in the desert, while the second can be found in the jungle.
How to carefully collect treasure in a temple? [Minecraft PE Guides]
How to carefully collect treasure in a temple? [Minecraft PE Guides]

Let’s start with the sandstone temple. The first thing you need to do is enter it and locate the main hall:
How to carefully collect treasure in a temple? [Minecraft PE Guides]
Break the blocks in the center and jump down, or descend carefully by creating your own path.
Important! At the bottom, there will be a pressure plate that you must not step on; instead, break it!
How to carefully collect treasure in a temple? [Minecraft PE Guides]How to carefully collect treasure in a temple? [Minecraft PE Guides]

That’s all. You can now gather the treasure.

The other type of temple is the jungle temple.
How to carefully collect treasure in a temple? [Minecraft PE Guides]
Here, things are slightly easier. There won’t be any pressure plates waiting for you. Instead, you’ll encounter a puzzle that you can either solve or simply break.
How to carefully collect treasure in a temple? [Minecraft PE Guides]
Another aspect to consider is the traps that shoot arrows at you. However, this isn’t too much of an issue since the key is to break the string that runs along the floor.
How to carefully collect treasure in a temple? [Minecraft PE Guides]

That’s it again. Collect the treasure once more.

Enjoy your game!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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