How to create a map in Minecraft PE?

14:26, 28.01.2016
How to create a map in Minecraft PE?

With the release of Minecraft PE 0.14.0, players can now utilize maps to explore their surroundings. This feature is quite handy as it allows you to visualize the environment around you. Unfortunately, many are unaware of how to create a map in Minecraft PE, so we have prepared a guide just for you: “How to Create a Map in Minecraft PE“.

How to Create a Map?

To craft a map, you’ll need paper. To make paper, gather some sugar cane, which is typically found near water.How to Create a Map in Minecraft PE?

Next, process the sugar cane at a crafting table to produce paper.How to Create a Map in Minecraft PE?

Once you have the paper ready, you can create an empty map.How to Create a Map in Minecraft PE?

When you obtain the map, it will initially be blank without any surrounding terrain displayed.How to Create a Map in Minecraft PE?
To fill the map with the local landscape, try breaking any block, but stop before reaching 100% completion; this will allow the empty map to populate with the surrounding area.How to Create a Map in Minecraft PE?

As you’ve noticed, there is no cursor on the map. To add one, you’ll need to use a compass. For detailed instructions on how to do this, we recommend reading the guide: “How to Create a Cursor on the Map?“.

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Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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