Effective mine [Minecraft PE Guides]

06:30, 25.08.2016
Effective mine [Minecraft PE Guides]

This guide is designed for everyone, as we all venture into mines for resources. Here, I will introduce you to an efficient method of mining in Minecraft: Pocket Edition.

What constitutes an effective mine? A effective mine is one where you break the fewest blocks while maximizing your visibility.

I will visually demonstrate the most efficient technique with a screenshot:
Effective Mine [Minecraft PE Guides]

At first glance, it may not be clear, but here’s a visual explanation of why this mine is so effective:
Effective Mine [Minecraft PE Guides]
We touch on all blocks while digging the least amount possible.

For convenience, I recommend creating something from the following options:
Effective Mine [Minecraft PE Guides]
Effective Mine [Minecraft PE Guides]

To find valuable ores, particularly diamonds, it’s advisable to mine at heights between 11 and 16 blocks.

Happy gaming!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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