Error “Failed to import patch”

22:27, 26.10.2015

Many players encounter the well-known error “Failed to import patch” when attempting to install a .js script on the Minecraft Pocket Edition game client using BlockLauncher or BlockLauncher Pro. There’s no need to panic upon seeing this error and blame the mod for not functioning. There are several potential solutions to this issue, as it can arise from various factors.

If you receive the message “Failed to import patch” while installing the mod, try the following:

0.1. Restart BlockLauncher, navigate to ModPE Script, and enable/import the mod again.

0.2. If the error persists after completing step 0.1, it’s likely that your version of BlockLauncher is outdated – update BlockLauncher to the latest version.

0.3. If the mod includes textures, make sure to install the texture pack first before importing the mod. If the error still occurs, proceed with step 0.1.

0.4. If you’ve followed steps 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 but continue to see the “Failed to import patch” error, it indicates that the mod version is outdated and incompatible with the current version of the game or BlockLauncher. =(

Published by: admin-planet

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