Endwalker [Mobs][Minecraft PE Guides]

08:26, 04.09.2016
Endwalker [Mobs][Minecraft PE Guides]

This guide is designed for players eager to learn everything about mobs. Here, I will discuss the Enderman in Minecraft PE

Enderman is classified as a neutral mob (it won’t cause harm unless provoked by a player or another mob). You can encounter Endermen almost anywhere in the world since they teleport to various locations. This mob has the ability to pick up and move blocks at will. It only becomes hostile if you make eye contact with it.

Endwalker [Mobs][Minecraft PE Guides]
Enderman (or Stranger of the End) is a neutral mob that stands quite tall (about 3 blocks). Surrounding the Enderman are purple particles similar to those found near portals to the Nether. They exist in all three dimensions. There’s a chance that defeating this mob may yield an ender pearl (up to 1 piece).

The Enderman is a fascinating creature, particularly regarding its behavior. Generally, the Enderman wanders around and occasionally moves blocks, producing various sounds. It turns aggressive only under specific conditions. During the daytime, its behavior resembles that of a spider. (I previously wrote a guide on spiders; I recommend checking it out – Spider [Mobs][Guides Minecraft PE]) To elaborate, the Enderman won’t attack you during the day unless you provoke it. However, at night, if a player looks at the mob, it will stare back until the player averts their gaze, after which it will teleport behind them and begin attacking. Notably, the Enderman opens its mouth, which can be seen from certain angles. If you get closer than 2 blocks, it will react similarly as described above. It’s also important to note that the Enderman can leap towards the player from a considerable distance. Be sure to have your weapon ready and keep the Enderman in your sights. During its attack, it emits a terrifying loud sound. If you try to flee, it will continuously teleport behind you until it catches up. For camouflage, wearing a pumpkin is advisable—this way, the Enderman will ignore you even if you look directly at it.

Mouth open:
Endwalker [Mobs][Minecraft PE Guides]

Characteristics of the Enderman

  • the tallest mob in Minecraft (or one of the tallest);
  • attacks the player only if they make eye contact;
  • suffers damage from falling snow or raindrops;
  • has a tendency to teleport anywhere in the world;
  • “steals” blocks and places them randomly;
  • spawns without a block.

The Enderman is afraid of rain, snowfall, and water. When it encounters any of these elements, it instantly teleports to a safe location.
Endwalker [Mobs][Minecraft PE Guides]

As for its spawn, locating this mob can be quite challenging. The Enderman appears in dark caves and at night, but is relatively rare. It is much easier to find in the End biome.
Endwalker [Mobs][Minecraft PE Guides]

Here are some intriguing facts:

  • The Enderman has glowing eyes, similar to that of a spider.
  • To prevent the Enderman from teleporting during attacks, you should hit its legs.
  • You cannot kill an Enderman with a bow. It will teleport away before being hit by an arrow, BUT:
  • 1) If shot with a flame-enchanted bow (or an arrow with effects), the Enderman will catch fire (or receive the effect) even though it dodges the arrow.
  • 2) If there’s nowhere for the Enderman to teleport (for example, creating walls of water or removing all surrounding blocks), you can indeed hit it with a bow.
  • The Enderman takes damage from snowballs.
  • Other entities are not visible through the open jaws of the Enderman.
  • You can bury the Enderman under sand or gravel, causing it to suffocate and eventually die. It cannot teleport while buried but can pick up dropped blocks.
  • The Enderman also suffers damage from rain.
  • Most sounds made by Endermen resemble distorted human voices saying “Hi,” “Hello,” and “What’s up,” played backward, slowed down, and altered.
  • To stop the Enderman from being aggressive, you can rejoin the map. This can be useful in the End dimension.
  • If an Enderman is killed by an iron golem, it drops ender pearls with a 100% chance.

Endwalker [Mobs][Minecraft PE Guides]

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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