Distant Lands [Minecraft PE Guides]

08:54, 12.09.2016
Distant Lands [Minecraft PE Guides]

In the pocket edition of Minecraft PE, there are the Far Lands. I will now explain how to reach them and what they entail.
Far Lands [Guides Minecraft PE]

Let’s start from the beginning. How do you find them?

To locate the Far Lands, you need to travel away from the spawn point by 12,550,800 blocks (yes, that’s correct). As you might guess, doing this through regular running or flying in creative mode is nearly impossible. According to various estimates, it would take about 820 hours of real time to discover the Far Lands.

Instead, we can use console commands (we have a guide on our site – Console Commands in Game — 0.16.0+ [Guides Minecraft PE]). Don’t forget to enable cheats.

The command you need is:

  • /tp <x y z> or /teleport <x y z> – teleport to specific coordinates.
  • /tp <player> <x y z> or /teleport <player> <x y z> – teleport a specific player to given coordinates.

More details about <x y z>:

  • x, z – coordinates for lateral movement.
  • y – height.

You need to use this command to move 12,550,800 blocks from the spawn, for example:
/tp Steve (or another username if changed) 12550800 100 1255000 – this command will transport you to the corner of the Far Lands, which I’ll describe below. Be aware that teleporting may cause significant glitches since the Far Lands represent a generation error.
Far Lands [Guides Minecraft PE]

Now let’s delve into what the Far Lands actually are.

The Far Lands are regions that are extremely distant from the spawn. Here, physics cease to function correctly, lighting behaves oddly, and blocks may allow players to pass right through them. You cannot stand on a block here. Consequently, playing in this area is not feasible, and the game experiences severe glitches.
Far Lands [Guides Minecraft PE]

So what about the corner Far Lands?

In the screenshot below, you can see how this territory is arranged within the world of Minecraft PE. The corner Far Lands generate somewhat differently than the extreme ones.
Far Lands [Guides Minecraft PE]

Here’s an example of the corner Far Lands:
Far Lands [Guides Minecraft PE]

Lastly, here are some interesting screenshots:
Far Lands [Guides Minecraft PE]
Far Lands [Guides Minecraft PE]

Happy gaming!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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  • Самое интересное то что я однажды СЛУЧАЙНО телепортировался на координаты 3млн с чем то и я чуть не сошел с ума от этого зрелища. Это был океан, но он был разделен на полосы. Полоса океана-полоса воздуха-полоса океана-полоса воздуха. Блоки воды доставали до бедрока, на котором росли водоросли. Перемещаться нельзя было ни обычным способом, ни бегом, ни даже жемчугом Эндера. Только телепортом.

  • способ как добратся до далеких земель нужно создать мир на версии бета 1 7 3и включить этот мир на версии 1 12 2 и написать /tp коардинаты и зайти наэтот мир опять версии бета 1 7 3 и вот ваши далёкии земли