Minecraft: Bedrock Edition 1.21.40 – Bundles of Bravery

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Minecraft: Bedrock Edition 1.21.40 - Bundles of Bravery

Download Minecraft: Bedrock Edition 1.21.40 – Bundles of Bravery for Free

Posted: October 22, 2024

Embark on a New Adventure with Bundles of Bravery

The third game drop, Bundles of Bravery, has just been released! This exciting update for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition 1.21.40 introduces space-saving bundles and the most challenging Survival mode yet—Hardcore mode. Prepare yourself for a thrilling journey where collecting everything you can is key, and survival is not guaranteed.

Why You Should Download the Latest Update

Hardcore mode brings high stakes to your gameplay. Since there’s no turning back once you start, we highly recommend backing up your Hardcore worlds, especially if you’re playing with a slow internet connection. We’ve also squashed over 140 bugs, increased the spawn rate for bats above ground (they’re adorable and more players should encounter them), and implemented numerous technical improvements for creators.

Key Features and Fixes in Version 1.21.40

Introducing Hardcore Mode

  • Experience the ultimate Survival challenge in Bedrock Edition.
  • Once you create a world in Hardcore mode, you can’t disable it.
  • The game is permanently set to the highest difficulty level.
  • No second chances—if you die, it’s truly game over.
  • After death, you can only respawn as a spectator; you can explore but not interact or rebuild.

Developer’s Note: While we’re confident Hardcore mode will function smoothly for most players, we’re still ironing out some minor bugs. Two notable issues affect multiplayer gameplay—one related to low internet speeds and another when replacing a Creative mode Realm with a Hardcore world. We advise all players to regularly back up their worlds and read the detailed information on potential triggers for these bugs.

Introducing Bundles

Bundles are new items that allow you to stack different blocks or items in a single inventory slot. This feature helps you save space by combining items that normally don’t stack together.

  • A Bundle can hold a mixture of various item types, up to one full stack (usually 64 items).
  • You can add items directly into a Bundle from your inventory.
  • Bundles display a tooltip showing the contents inside.
  • If the Bundle contains fewer than 12 item types, all will be displayed; otherwise, only the top items are shown.
  • You can select visible items to remove from the Bundle using your mouse scroll wheel, game controller, or touch input.
  • When holding a Bundle, you can empty its contents onto the ground.
  • Crafting a Bundle requires one String placed above one Leather.

Developer’s Note: The initial prototype for Bundles was costlier to craft and required Rabbit Hide, obtainable only in certain biomes. We’ve made it more accessible so you can craft Bundles in almost any biome, making them useful in your early adventures.

Enhanced Accessibility Features

  • Reintroduced left-handed mode on touch devices for easier inventory access from the hotbar (MCPE-179608).
  • Added text-to-speech voiceover for items in the Marketplace Pass Content and Realms Content tabs.

Android-Specific Fixes

  • Resolved double input issue when using analog triggers on certain gamepads (MCPE-175113).

Notable Block Updates

  • Vines placed via commands are now visible (MCPE-131854).
  • The “mushroom_stem” is now a separate block, no longer a variant of “red_mushroom_block” or “brown_mushroom_block”.
  • The “skull” block has been divided into seven unique instances, including “skeleton_skull” and “wither_skeleton_skull”.
  • Mob Spawner and Trial Spawner sounds now play at the intended volume levels.
  • Fixed shipwrecks generating only lower slabs (MCPE-186235).
  • Updated references to old block names in behavior pack recipe and feature files.
  • Fixed a bug allowing blocks to be placed on Vault blocks, causing unusual behaviors (MCPE-186627).

Gameplay Improvements

  • Wind Charges cannot be hit and redirected immediately after being thrown.
  • Interacting with a bed now sets it as your respawn point regardless of nearby enemies (MCPE-152134).
  • Players maintaining velocity when hitting the edge of the generated world, especially when using Elytra.
  • Fixed issues with Oozing, Weaving, and Wind Charged effects not applying upon player death (MCPE-180640).
  • Mobs can now perform Mace Smash attacks.
  • Correct death messages when killed by a Mace’s Smash Attack (MCPE-185952).
  • Resolved an issue preventing proper player respawn (MCPE-186324).
  • TNT explosions no longer reset the momentum of other falling Primed TNTs, fixing issues with TNT cannons (MCPE-181055).

Graphical Enhancements

  • Fixed a visual glitch on iOS devices when using Large Zoom (MCPE-174398, MCPE-185373).
  • Data-driven items now appear correctly in screenshots (MCPE-185132).

Hardcore Mode Bug Fixes

We’ve addressed several bugs that could significantly impact your Hardcore mode experience:

  • Corrected player teleportation issues with End Gateway Portals (MCPE-66061).
  • Fixed a bug causing players to be pushed when building vertically (REALMS-9874).
  • Resolved random fall damage occurrences (MCPE-120140, MCPE-136406).

Known Issues: Some rare issues may occur, especially on worlds with slow connections:

  • Weather effects like rain or snow may not visually match the actual weather (MCPE-131325).
  • Blocks may sometimes disappear when placed (MCPE-112420).

Realms Issue: Replacing a Creative mode Realm with a Hardcore world may corrupt some world settings. It’s safest to replace a Survival mode world with a Hardcore world to avoid this problem.

Mob Updates

  • Polar bears now drop Cooked Fish when killed by fire or lava (MCPE-122488).
  • Pillager’s ‘celebrate3’ sound effect now functions properly (MCPE-121058).
  • Wolves, Cats, and Parrots seamlessly resume navigation after teleporting to catch up with their owners.
  • These pets now teleport to their owners when panicking and far away.
  • Wolves teleport to their owners during fights if they are distant, preventing them from being left behind (MCPE-151765).
  • Piglins no longer pick up and admire Powered Rail items (MCPE-91187).
  • Wither Skeleton step sounds now play at the correct volume (MCPE-185913).
  • Carved Pumpkin and Skull items now rotate properly with the player’s head when worn (MCPE-178959).
  • The Breeze cannot jump away from a player when on top of a Honey Block (MCPE-176991).
  • Zombified Piglins spawned via Nether Portals now have a 15-second cooldown before reusing the portal.
  • Jump Boost now affects how high a Breeze can jump (MCPE-176922).
  • Fixed Minecarts stopping unexpectedly and being pushable only in one direction (MCPE-185643).
  • Bats can now spawn at any height as long as the area is dark and covered, possibly appearing above ground.

User Interface Enhancements

  • Dismount hints no longer appear when changing dimensions and re-entering the world (MCPE-182876).
  • Armor HUD updates correctly when equipped armor breaks (MCPE-103592).
  • Fixed empty close button subpanel in the Stonecutter interface when using a controller.
  • Added messages explaining when a Marketplace Template is unavailable on a specific platform.
  • Aligned hunger and health bars with the experience bar in Classic UI on mobile devices (MCPE-177192).
  • Air bubbles now align properly with the hunger bar (MCPE-185268).
  • Consistent positioning of the player paper doll between Classic and Pocket UI settings (MCPE-57498).
  • Potions with percentage-based effects now display the percentage sign correctly in tooltips on mobile devices (MCPE-28531).
  • Corrected death messages when dying from a Guardian’s thorns (MCPE-114752).
  • Resolved chat message overlap issues (MCPE-119761).
  • Item text no longer shifts when looking at non-interactable entities (MCPE-161140).
  • Updated visuals for close and help buttons in Smithing Table and Loom interfaces to match the Cartography Table (MCPE-166008).
  • “Hide Controller Hints” option now properly hides all hints in the Villager trading menu (MCPE-167134).
  • Fixed incorrect messages on the experimental bed screen for certain player sleeping percentage game rules (MCPE-183431).
  • Single-tap to destroy now works correctly in Creative mode without causing block glitches (MCPE-181789).
  • Resolved issues with Realms invite links overflowing past text boxes.
  • Items no longer get stuck in the crafting grid after dropping an identical item from the recipe screen (MCPE-73593).
  • “Take From Bundle” functionality now takes precedence over “Clear Hotbar” when selecting an item in a Bundle using a gamepad (MCPE-186359).
  • Inventory screen no longer shows item categories in tooltips unless the recipe book search is visible (MCPE-128464).
  • Fixed flickering sneak button when using the “Swap Jump and Sneak” option with touch controls (MCPE-159557).
  • Non-empty Bundles now display a fullness bar when inside another Bundle (MCPE-185457).
  • Added the ability to edit the thumbnail of a world in the new OreUI Edit World screen.

Vanilla Parity Updates

  • Creepers now drop a Music Disc when killed by a Bogged (MCPE-179008).
  • Bogged mobs now drop Poison Arrows when killed by a player’s tamed mobs.
  • Dyeing Sheep and pet collars now plays the dyeing sound, matching Java Edition (MCPE-150684).
  • Mushroom Stems used in a Composter have a reduced fill chance from 85% to 65%.
  • The all-sided pore mushroom block has been removed from the creative inventory.
  • Enchanted Golden Apples now grant Regeneration II instead of V, aligning with Java Edition (MCPE-103061).
  • Added infinite duration option to the Effect command.
  • Added specific effect removal option to the Effect command.
  • Placing Cocoa Beans now plays a sound (MCPE-49126).
  • Beehives and Bee Nests can no longer be used as furnace fuel (MCPE-128393).
  • Identical Lodestone Compass items now stack up to 64, matching Java Edition (MCPE-109595).

Important Notice for VR/MR Users

Support for VR/MR devices will end after the March 2025 update. Post-update, you can continue playing Minecraft on your PC without a VR/MR device. Your worlds and Marketplace purchases, including Minecoins, will remain accessible on standard graphics devices like computer monitors. However, VR/MR devices will no longer be supported in future updates.

Technical Updates and Fixes

Add-Ons and Script Engine

  • Fixed a bug where using “bone_visibility” in block geometry affected “item_display_transforms” (MCPE-185868).
  • Resolved an issue preventing the new 1.21.30 trade table format from loading.
  • New Beta options in “minecraft:looked_at” and “minecraft:home” components now require “use_beta_features” in the root JSON object.

API Updates

  • Fixed the ItemStack.getComponents method from returning unsupported components.
  • Resolved an issue where invalid ModalFormData wouldn’t reject or resolve promises (MCPE-178148).
  • BlockLiquidContainerComponents API has been removed from beta; replaced by BlockFluidContainerComponent API.
  • Fixed cases where the entityRemove World event wouldn’t trigger.
  • Fixed a crash occurring with getDimension in certain conditions.
  • Moved several APIs from beta to version 1.15.0, including getRedstonePower and isHardcore.

Block and Component Updates

  • Added content warnings for incorrect “carried_textures” or “blockshape” entries in blocks.json.
  • Updated the Jigsaw Block and its UI, adding Selection Priority and Placement Priority fields.
  • Added the ‘entity_offset’ parameter to the camera command.
  • Issue with commands not recognizing certain block or item names has been fixed.

Component Enhancements

  • Added “restriction_type” to the “minecraft:home” component, allowing entities to be restricted to their home position in various ways.
  • Introduced the “minecraft:dimension_bound” component to prevent entities from changing dimensions via portals.
  • Added the “minecraft:transient” component, making entities unsavable; used for entities like the Fishing Hook.
  • Renamed and expanded the “minecraft:looked_at” component with new fields to enhance functionality.
  • Updated the “minecraft:damage_sensor” component’s “deals_damage” field to support more options.
  • Removed the unused “allow_invulnerable” field from the “minecraft:looked_at” component.

Entity and Event Updates

  • Horse armor now renders correctly when using resource packs with engine version 1.17.0 or lower (MCPE-185316).
  • “behavior.fire_at_target” now requires a projectile definition to function.
  • Added “execute_event_on_home_block” and “reset_target” event responses for entities.
  • Adjusted the “behavior.jump_around_target” to be incompatible with Honey Blocks (MCPE-176991).
  • Jump Boost now affects entity jump height when using “behavior.jump_around_target” (MCPE-176922).
  • Wind Charges now use the “minecraft:explode” component with expanded fields for customization.

General Technical Changes

  • Updated ‘minecraft:single_block_feature’ with new properties and conditions.
  • Fixed a bug where old block IDs were overwriting new ones in blocks.json (MCPE-186255).
  • Updated references to old block names in various behavior pack files.
  • “minecraft:item” object is now parsed with strict loading from version 1.21.40 onwards.
  • Molang queries “wing_flap_position” and “wing_flap_speed” now function for Chickens.

Stability and Performance

  • Increased biome ID size in saved chunk data from 8-bit to 16-bit values.
  • Fixed a crash caused by extremely fast-moving entities; entities can no longer move more than 16 blocks in a single tick.
  • Game no longer crashes when loading a world near an End City.
  • Worlds with Experimental Custom Biomes before the Caves & Cliffs update will have those biomes replaced with default ones.
  • Custom biome IDs now start at 30,000 and persist for the duration of the world.
  • Improved chunk loading speeds on Nintendo Switch when maximum framerate is set (MCPE-120971).

Resource and Behavior Packs

  • Fixed issues where packs weren’t downloaded or applied when joining a server with CDN enabled.
  • User choices for resource packs are now respected during server joins when CDN is enabled.

Trading Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where trades with negative ‘max_use’ values were untradeable.


With the release of Minecraft: Bedrock Edition 1.21.40 – Bundles of Bravery, players have a wealth of new features and fixes to explore. From the intense challenge of Hardcore mode to the convenience of Bundles, this update enhances the gameplay experience significantly. Don’t miss out on these exciting additions—download the update for free and embark on your next great adventure!

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.21, Bedrock Edition, Release

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