Minecraft 1.6.0 [Full Version]

11:47, 01.04.2013
Minecraft 1.6.0 [Full Version]

New version of Minecraft 1.6 and new features! Already in the beta version of Minecraft for Android you will be able to see them and try them out for yourself.

New in Minecraft 1.6.0 on Android

In fact, the list of new features in 1.6.0 for Android is small:

  • Added that phantom mobs will now appear in the night sky if the player has not slept for three in-game days in Minecraft 1.6.0
  • Added barrier blocks. They can be used perfectly when creating maps to restrict Minecraft 1.6 players to certain areas. They can also be placed in any mode, they are not visible in survival and adventure mode. Blocks can only be obtained using commands and are not displayed in the interface.


Minecraft 1.6.0 [Full Version]


Changes and bug fixes Minecraft 1.6.0 for Android

Everytime Maincrafter is being improved and it fixes the game crash, which is of course good! Other fixes:

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when using Pick Block in a location where a mob had just died
  • Speeded up the loading speed of the menu
  • Still water was leaking abnormally from the stairs where the water source blocks were located
  • Cards now properly update when held in your main hand again
Minecraft 1.6.0 [Full Version]
  • Players can now return to the Overworld if a portal is located at their spawn location in Minecraft 1.6
  • Fixed skeletons not being able to leave the water to attack players
  • Observers will now find changes to drippers, dispensers, breweries, farmland, saplings, sugarcane blocks, fire, and grass.
  • Items can be crafted again from the Recipe Book while the Craftable filter is disabled and the player has enough materials to craft
Minecraft 1.6.0 [Full Version]
    • Wolves no longer get stuck in Minecraft on Android when attacking skeletons over water
      Minecraft 1.6.0 [Full Version]
  • Blazes now attack Snow Golems
  • Donkeys and mules can now only be ridden after being tamed
  • Using the ‘/setblock’ command on Redstone components will now correctly update and enable the mechanism
  • Command Blocks now correctly control Redstone power
  • The gamepad cursor can now be used to navigate through villager trades.


What was added to Minecraft for Android

First of all, it is worth noting that a mob was added to Minecraft 1.6.0 phantom and barrier. A few details about each of them in Minecraft for Android.

Hostile mob Phantom

As was known before, the phantom looks like this:

Minecraft 1.6.0 [Full Version]

The mob is quite specific, it attacks only at night, and during the day it burns. Moreover, it appears only on the third night after the player sleeps, so if you sleep every night, you will never see it. The mob’s health is not small: 20 points! The mob’s attack power is from 4 to 9 points.
There are also beautiful particles flying behind it:

Minecraft 1.6.0 [Full Version]

Barrier block

The new block has been announced for a long time, but only here it really appeared. The main features of the barrier block in Minecraft 1.6 are that it cannot be broken in survival mode and also cannot be obtained. You can get it by writing the command: /give @s barrier. In general, the block is very specific and with its help you can create almost invisible barriers.

Minecraft 1.6.0 [Full Version]



Minecraft Beta 1.6.0:

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Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.6, Bedrock Edition, Release ОS: Android

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