You can quickly and, most importantly, for free, download the beta version of Minecraft for Android and find out all the details about this update. As of now, this is the latest version, so we recommend clicking the link to download the game file in Russian. Meanwhile, we will explain how this beta improves upon the previous one.
Changes in Minecraft PE
In Minecraft Bedrock Edition, there was an issue with the generation of certain items, which was caused by chunks. The developers have fixed the error, so everything is now functioning smoothly. Additionally, Minecraft introduced an animation that plays during world upgrades in the corresponding menu section.
Additional changes made:
- The experimental “toggle” for backup worlds has been deactivated, meaning it will now be off by default in the game.
- Mob spawners located at negative heights are now functioning correctly.
- In Minecraft for Android, the notification regarding data storage location change no longer appears.
- In MCBE, the issue of water and lava blocks appearing in mid-air has been resolved.
- Adjustments have been made for better compatibility with mods.
This small test version marks another step towards the official release, so be sure to update and explore the revamped world of Minecraft on mobile. Good luck!
Hi Minecraft
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