Minecraft 1.16 (Full version)

17:29, 05.02.2020
Minecraft 1.16 (Full version)

In Minecraft 1.16, players can expect a wealth of new content, including fresh mobs, items, animated character emotions, revamped biomes, and numerous minor tweaks. Curious? Stay tuned for the latest updates.

New Mobs in Minecraft Bedrock 1.16

Let’s explore the new features in order, starting with the mobs. Piglins inhabit the Bastion and Crimson Forest. This hostile mob hunts Hoglins in MCBE. If a Piglin successfully catches and defeats a Hoglin, it will break into a dance. The Piglin’s victory dance is quite amusing, so it’s best to avoid interfering in the battle!


Key characteristics of the Piglin include:

  • afraid of blue flames;
  • has a fondness for gold;
  • wearing golden armor protects you from Piglin attacks;
  • observes gold held by the player;
  • transforms into a Zombie Piglin upon entering the Overworld;
  • Мelt down the fragments to create netherite scrap.
  • Craft netherite by combining 4 gold ingots and 4 scraps.

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Other interesting features:

  • Introduced new types of wood and various items crafted from them;
  • Vegetation, including beautiful flowers to enhance the outdoor space;
  • A new flame;
  • A target – a mechanism that activates when struck by an arrow or Trident, generating a redstone pulse. The signal is stronger when hitting the “bullseye.” The maximum pulse level is 15 units;
  • Soul Soil;
  • Soul fire – deals double damage, burns only on soul soil, and is generated in the Sand Valley. It will never extinguish.

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Anchor of Resurrection and Magnetite

The items in question are the Anchor of Resurrection and Magnetite. Those looking to download Minecraft 1.16 on their mobile devices can obtain the client for free from our website.

  • The first serves as a spawn point after death in the Nether.
  • It is crafted using 6 pieces of crying obsidian and 3 glowstones.
  • To activate it, you need to charge it with glowstones in MCPE. A maximum of four charges can be used.
  • Next, simply touch the item. It’s ready to go, but remember to replenish the impulses for respawning.
  • It is not suitable for use in the upper dimension. It will explode in the Overworld.

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Magnetite is formed from carved stone bricks, as illustrated in the screenshot. It is designed to connect with the radar. When touched with a compass, the needle will consistently point to the location of the magnetite. This feature is useful for pinpointing a specific spot, allowing you to return there easily and avoid getting lost.

Biome Update

The developers have also made changes to the biomes. In Minecraft version 1.16 with Xbox Live, four Nether biomes were introduced, and the update file can be downloaded on Android by clicking the link below the article. These biomes include the Soul Sand Valley, Crimson Forest, Warped Forest, and Basalt Deltas.

The most perilous area will be the Soul Sand Valley. It is filled with a nasty blue-green fog that reduces visibility, and stalagmites and fossil remains are found everywhere. While it may not be the most welcoming place, it is rich in valuable resources. The mobs that inhabit this area include Skeletons, Ghasts, and Endermen.

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In the forest, one can encounter the beings mentioned earlier, and it is also home to massive crimson mushrooms. A distinctive feature is the red mist and the abundance of vegetation.

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In this area, the appropriate mushrooms thrive, while the locals are known as the Wanderers of the Edge. Meanwhile, the Basalt Flows depict the landscape that emerged following a volcanic eruption.

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In the Minecraft 1.16 release for Android, which we offer for free download, particles of ash are scattered everywhere, blackstone is generated, and magma cubes appear.
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In Minecraft Bedrock Edition, players can discover Bastion Remnants. This is a structure inhabited by Piglins, and they can be found in various locations, except for the basalt deltas. There are four types of these remnants: bridge, stable, treasure room, and residential houses, resembling unique villages.

Other Changes

But that’s not all! The update introduces animated emotions for players. In the character editor, there is a dedicated tab where you can choose expressions like happiness, sadness, anger, and more. The developers have promised that this list will continue to expand.

In Minecraft 1.16 for mobile, which can be easily downloaded via the link at the bottom of the page, changes have been made to how redstone functions. While specific details about these changes are not yet available, it is known that some mechanisms will cease to operate, and new ones will be introduced in their place. Allegedly, the aim was to make redstone in Minecraft PE “more logical.” What this entails will soon be revealed, but for now, that’s the situation.

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The teleport generation will undergo changes. Thirteen new types of abandoned portals have been introduced, along with a chance to discover treasures. These may include lava, magma, or crying obsidian. That’s all for now; just a few minor details remain:
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  • New enchantment added – Soul Speed. This enchantment increases movement speed on sand or dirt, but it will cause boots to break.
  • You can purchase this enchantment from Piglins.
  • A special type of Gold Ore spawns in the Nether.
  • Vines can be found growing in forests.
  • A fireball ignites explosives and campfires.
  • If a projectile hits a bell, it will ring.
  • If you decide to download the new version of Minecraft 1.16 for Android, you’ll notice that the Zombie Pigman is now called Zombie Piglin.
  • Lightning striking a pig will not turn it into a Zombie Pigman.
  • Crafting chains has been introduced.

Download Minecraft 1.16

Последняя полная версия Майнкрафт 1.16

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Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.16, Bedrock Edition, Release ОS: Android

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