Minecraft (Test version)

14:54, 27.05.2021
Minecraft (Test version)

In the beta version of Minecraft, the developers implemented several adjustments to the gameplay and addressed a significant number of bugs. Additionally, there were modifications made to the creative mode and the “locations” of certain items within it.

Adjustments in Minecraft PE

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Here are the fixes and updates we can expect in the beta version of Minecraft PE

  • The occurrence of thunderstorms in MCPE has been aligned with the frequency found in Java Edition.
  • Fixed the issue with axolotls pretending to be dead.
  • After feeding an axolotl fish, players will receive a water bucket back.
  • The hitbox of amphibians has been reduced to better match the size of their models.
  • Drowned and guardians now attack axolotls.
  • Implemented a fix for the drop rate of azaleas.
  • Adjusted the placement of slabs, glowing signs, and copper ore in creative mode of Minecraft.
  • Water flow now destroys root blocks.
  • Blocks near the lightning rod no longer get damaged after a strike
  • Adjusted the texture alignment on the dirt block with roots
  • Introduced a preview feature for item skins in the character section
  • Added a “wear” menu for the classic skins tab
  • Fixed the functionality of the console command / title clear
  • Resolved a bug that prevented renaming items on the anvil in split-screen mode
  • Implemented a fix for the height of dropped items
  • Now, small leaf blocks can be obtained by using shears in Minecraft BE
  • The transformation of a skeleton into a strider now takes about 20 seconds instead of 45
  • With the griefing rule disabled, burning mobs no longer destroy powder snow
  • Adjusted the size of tooltips
  • Made around ten technical fixes.

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Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.17, Bedrock Edition, Тест ОS: Android

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