Minecraft 1.14.1 (Full version)

01:27, 19.12.2019
Minecraft 1.14.1 (Full version)

In Minecraft 1.14.1 for Android, players were delighted by the fixes for golems, updated slime textures, and an increase in frame rates for mobile clients. Surviving in the blocky world has become more enjoyable and convenient, especially with the presence of bees.

Fixes in Minecraft 1.14.1

Prior to this update, the game experienced crashes across all platforms, including Android. In this patch, the developers improved the stability of the gameplay and addressed critical errors.

  • Resolved the issue causing crashes during Xbox Live login on certain devices (phones or tablets)
  • Eliminated crashes and interface damage on Xbox One
  • Enhanced performance in areas with a high number of players
  • Increased the skin loading speed on recommended servers
  • Stabilized online features such as the Marketplace and access to purchased content
  • The locator point displays correctly when looking north or south in Minecraft PE
  • If you attack baby bees, the adult bees will react aggressively
  • In Minecraft 1.14.1 for mobile, a bee dies after stinging someone
  • Monsters no longer spawn on leaf and glass blocks
  • Milk no longer disappears from buckets in the full version of MCBE
  • Fixed a bug that caused items to disappear during crafting
  • Corrected the display issues of items in the Character Creation Editor
  • Scrolling works properly on screens in the Editor
  • Resolved an issue that occurred in split-screen mode when guests attempted to join a multiplayer world without a Nintendo Switch Online subscription
  • Removed a visual glitch with the “Join” button in the main menu
  • Fixed the inability to close the in-game store
  • Corrected the placeholder text appearing in Resource Packs and Behavior Packs
  • Enhanced the description of the Mario skin pack

Beekeeping in Minecraft 1.14.1

This update introduces new mobs – bees. These fluffy insects help accelerate plant growth in Minecraft on Android. They collect nectar from flowers, pollinating them in return, which boosts gardening productivity. Bees in Minecraft are peaceful, can be bred, and utilized for various purposes.

Скачать Майнкрафт 1.14.1 на Андроид (Полная версия) | MCBE 1.14.1

  • Pollination affects crops similarly to the application of bone meal
  • In Minecraft Bedrock 1.14.1, bees can be found in flower forests and plains
  • They reside in hives that spawn exclusively beneath tree canopies
  • Hives can be crafted

All these enhancements are available in the full version, which can be downloaded for free via the link at the bottom of the page. The file is verified, virus-free, and in Russian, so feel free to download and enjoy. Have a great game!

Полная версия

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Published by: admin-planet Categories: Bedrock Edition, Release ОS: Android

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