Minecraft 1.17.0 (Full version)

14:49, 04.11.2020
Minecraft 1.17.0 (Full version)

The developers have divided their efforts into two major releases, each containing several titles. This version marks the first in a series of updates that have introduced a wealth of new and exciting features to Minecraft BE. Stay tuned for more information!

Highlights of Caves & Cliffs Update part 1

Скачать Майнкрафт 1.17.0 на Андроид (Полная версия) | MCBE Caves & Cliffs Update

«Mojang» has introduced over a hundred fixes and updates, resulting in a significantly expansive full version. The technical aspects of the game, gameplay, certain mechanics, functionalities, and even the appearance of both items and creatures have all been addressed. The first new addition is the Axolotl – an adorable amphibian found in the newly added underground caves. They eagerly assist players in exploring the aquatic world and even have the ability to play dead. Haven’t seen this yet? We recommend downloading Minecraft PE 1.17.0 for free via the link at the bottom of the page.

  • Spawn in underground water bodies
  • Follow the player when they hold a bucket of tropical fish
  • Cannot be tamed, but can be bred or moved to your own water body
  • Attack other fish, Drowned, Guardians, and squids
  • They exhibit a variety of textures, with blue individuals being less common. This coloration is a result of a mutation that occurs when two differently colored axolotls breed.
  • By defeating a mob that attacks this creature, the player will gain a temporary regeneration effect.

Скачать Майнкрафт 1.17.0 на Андроид (Полная версия) | MCBE Caves & Cliffs Update

If you decide to download Minecraft 1.17.0 on your mobile device, you’ll encounter the creature that won the vote at MINECON Live 2019: the mountain goat!

  • Upon the release of this update, new mobs appeared in the High Hills, but this was corrected in the second part.
  • They possess a unique attack – they butt their opponents, pushing them off cliffs.
  • In Minecraft Bedrock Edition, goats avoid powder snow, aware that they can fall through it.
  • They can jump high and take reduced fall damage.
  • They can be tamed and bred using wheat.
  • You can collect milk with an empty bucket.

Скачать Майнкрафт 1.17.0 на Андроид (Полная версия) | MCBE Caves & Cliffs Update

Полная версия Майнкрафт 1.17.0

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.17, Bedrock Edition, Release ОS: Android

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