Minecraft (Test version)

20:22, 02.04.2020
Minecraft (Test version)

The bug-fixing process continues – Minecraft for Android has been released and is now available for download. The list of fixes is quite extensive, with over 42 corrections made. As usual, the stability of Minecraft has been enhanced, and crashes that developers identified, such as when a player falls into water, have been addressed.

Fixes in version

  • The light propagation in Minecraft has been corrected (through textures, blocks, etc.).
  • Chunks will now load properly for worlds larger than 250 MB!
  • The “smooth camera” option has truly become smooth (the stuttering has been fixed).
  • The screen no longer jitters when a player dies in the Void.
  • If a door is broken and it had a sign on it, it will no longer float in mid-air.

Gameplay Fixes

A total of 6 gameplay issues in Minecraft have been addressed, and here are the most notable ones:

  • Water can now be collected from bubble columns.
  • The fire charge is now consumed after igniting a block of TNT.
  • Player icons no longer appear as white squares on locator maps.

Mob Fixes

  • Creepers no longer lose their aggression immediately after losing sight of their target.
  • The “MeleeAttackGoal” has been corrected, allowing entities to hit targets beneath them.
  • The Iron Golem’s legs no longer move on their own.

Additionally, 6 fixes related to graphics and the rendering of textures and blocks have been announced. The update for Minecraft also includes changes for map and addon creators.

Download Minecraft

Скачать Minecraft для Android (Полная версия) (xBox Live + рабочие сервера)
Download [90.84 Mb] downloads: 500

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.16, Bedrock Edition, Тест ОS: Android

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