Minecraft (beta version)

12:43, 28.08.2019
Minecraft (beta version)

The anticipation for the release of Minecraft 1.13 has been building, and on August 27, 2019, the update Minecraft for Android was finally launched. This update is quite substantial, addressing bugs from previous beta versions while also introducing several new features!

New Features and Changes in Minecraft for Android

  • One notable addition is the wither rose!
  • They have introduced suspicious stew.
  • Players in Minecraft can now place frames on the top or bottom of blocks.
  • A new type of mushroom has been added: the brown mushroom.
  • The latest beta version features abandoned villages.
  • New light blocks have been introduced for the mapmaker: light levels ranging from 0 to 15 are now available, and you can utilize the commands /give, /fill, and /setblock for them.
  • Game credits have been added to Minecraft, which can be viewed after defeating the Ender Dragon or in the game menu.
  • New sounds for blocks have been incorporated.
  • In the update, squids will now spawn in rivers in Minecraft
  • Extinct coral plants have been introduced.
  • Villagers can now heal if they have bread in their inventory.
  • A “How to Play” section for structure blocks has been added in

Fixes and Updates in Minecraft for Android

The update for Minecraft version includes a comprehensive list of changes, primarily aimed at players using Android devices (phones and tablets):

  • Minecraft no longer freezes after loading a world. Additionally, the speed of world loading has been optimized.
  • Fixed crashes that occurred when attempting to create certain potions.
  • Lighting issues have been resolved.
  • The game will no longer crash on earlier versions of Android.
  • Resolved the crash that occurred when a player tried to join via invitation.
  • It is now possible to change the file storage location again.
  • Fixed crashes in Minecraft when memory is low.
  • Other unexpected crashes in MCPE have also been addressed.
  • Achievements “We’ve Been Attacked!” and “I Have a Bad Feeling” are now available for unlocking.
  • In version, when you remove a global resource pack, it now also removes itself from the active stack.
  • A bug that caused the generation of numerous small and empty villages when trying to expand an existing one has been fixed.
  • Information about cats in the “How to Play” section has been updated.

Gameplay Fixes in Minecraft

The updated gameplay in Minecraft features even fewer bugs, with developers announcing a total of 43 fixes in this new version. Among these corrections, there are several significant ones that directly enhance the overall gaming experience:

  • In Creative mode, fire swords no longer ignite players.
  • Fixed player teleportation onto transparent and semi-transparent blocks when using Chorus
  • When defeating an Enderman holding Red Sand, regular Sand will no longer drop.
  • Resolved the issue of players freezing in place when sneaking up on Shulkers or getting into boats
  • Experience will now drop correctly from cracking, salmon, tropical fish, and pufferfish
  • Adjusted the rowing animation in boats
  • Reduced the frequency of lightning strikes
  • Fixed the functionality of fishing rods
  • Lightning from the trident now affects a wider area instead of just a single point
  • Players will now stop rowing when accessing their inventory while in a boat
  • Arrows can now destroy armor
  • Corrected the color display in pots when they became invisible
  • The sound effects for milk and potions have been fixed in Minecraft
  • Entities now correctly drop their armor
  • All explosions, except for TNT, now deal damage in water
  • In Creative mode, players can now collect parrots using a pickaxe
  • The recipe book now includes recipes for crafting buttons
  • Player behavior when exiting water has been corrected
  • Water will no longer break portals and gates during dispenser distribution
  • Pillagers will now spawn more frequently around their outposts
  • Fixed block placement and destruction while the player is in a boat
  • Improved the display of maps and markers while in a boat
  • Enhanced the speed of map rendering

Mob Fixes in Minecraft

A significant number of changes have also been made to the game mobs. Seventeen important adjustments have been implemented to enhance the behavior of creatures in Minecraft, and here are some of them:

  • During thunderstorms, foxes will now seek shelter and sleep
  • Mobs will no longer experience slow movement when traversing blocks over ice
  • The Wither will no longer flee from players upon spawning
  • Faster wing flap animations for Phantoms have been developed in Minecraft
  • Fixed the Enderman’s application of the invisibility effect
  • Parrots can finally fly over fences and walls
  • Mobs standing on slabs will no longer be immune to light after a world restart
  • Witches will no longer spawn in high gaps
  • When cured, zombie villagers will retain their trading skill level
  • In version of MCP, zombies will no longer get stuck in doorways
  • The parrot dance animation has been fixed

Block and item fixes in Minecraft Bedrock

  • Barrier blocks no longer prevent grass from growing
  • Farmland blocks now block grass growth beneath them
  • The turtle egg icon has been updated
  • The trapdoor icon in the inventory has been corrected
  • Hexagonal wooden blocks can now be used as fuel in furnaces
  • The Grass Path block no longer disappears from the inventory
  • The animation for blocks broken over water has been changed – they now create air bubbles upon hitting the water
  • Damaged elytra now feature their own textures
  • An error in the recipe book that prevented some items from displaying has been resolved
  • Items cooked over the fire are now properly arranged

Graphics Fixes

A key element of an enjoyable gaming experience is undoubtedly the graphics. The smoothness and vibrant textures enhance the visual appeal and allow players to enjoy their favorite game. The developers took this into account and implemented several important fixes to the visual aspects of Minecraft

  • Fixed the issue with the paper doll animation during game restarts
  • The player model remains visible while sleeping
  • Improved the texture of the stonecutter
  • Corrected the shield block animation in third-person view
  • Resolved the issue where iron ingots lost their textures when near other blocks
  • The player’s sneaking animation has been made smoother

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Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.13, Bedrock Edition ОS: Android

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