Minecraft 1.11.2 [Full version]

18:12, 16.12.2016
Minecraft 1.11.2 [Full version]

Minecraft Bedrock is being developed as a unified gaming platform for all mobile devices, including the Xbox One console. The complete version of Minecraft 1.11.2 was specifically released for this platform, addressing some issues from the previous game version.

Fixes in Minecraft 1.11.2

Two primary fixes have been highlighted to enhance stability and reliability:

  • Resolved the issue of missing panorama in the Villages and Pillage menu
  • Fixed the error that occurred when attempting to purchase items in Realms, which displayed a message indicating something went wrong.

These are the key fixes aimed specifically at Xbox One, as Minecraft 1.11.1 runs smoothly on Android and other mobile systems. Therefore, if you have a phone, we still recommend downloading Minecraft

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Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.11, Bedrock Edition, Release ОS: Android

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