Minecraft (Test version)

21:22, 26.03.2020
Minecraft (Test version)

Despite the ongoing coronavirus situation, the update for Minecraft has been released for Android, featuring optimized APK size and significantly enhanced game stability. For those eager to know, a total of 19 bugs have been fixed, and you can download Minecraft for Android at the end of this article.

Crash Fixes:

  • Resolved crashes that occurred when exiting the game in split-screen mode.
  • Fixed crashes in Minecraft Bedrock Edition when using custom skins.
  • Improved performance related to maps in item frames.

Main Fixes:

  • Several updates and documentation fixes have been made for the dedicated Bedrock server.
  • Corrected an issue where imported world templates (.mctemplate) were not visible while playing Minecraft through Gear VR.
  • The issue with incorrect chunk loading in Realms has been resolved.
  • The texture for the “Alex” skin has been fixed.

Gameplay Fixes:

  • A bug related to villager targets in Minecraft has been addressed.
  • Scaling for all maps in Minecraft has been corrected.
  • Sheared sheep will now appear properly after being trimmed.
  • A problem with certain enchantments not functioning correctly has been fixed…
  • Translations for music disc titles have been improved.

Graphics Fixes:

  • Text will now be visible under transparent objects.
  • An error causing maps in item frames to flicker with purple and black images before loading has been corrected.

Add-on and Scenario Fixes:

  • Switching to a different geometry using the rendering controller will now instantly alter the geometry in the game.
  • Fixed selectors with an empty tag as an argument for @e[tag=] and @e[tag=!]

Download Minecraft

Download Minecraft

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.16, Bedrock Edition, Тест ОS: Android

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