Download Minecraft PE 0.15.0 [Full Version]

05:35, 14.06.2016
Download Minecraft PE 0.15.0 [Full Version]

The long-awaited release of the full version has been released Minecraft PE 0.15.0 with all previously announced content. This is already the full version of the game, in which we can fully enjoy the game without unnecessary intrusive inscriptions, and without any restrictions.

In the full version Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.15.0 we can already see new features that were not available in the beta version of the game, as usual. The juiciest and most unpredictable innovations, we see at the most awkward moment – during the release. And as a rule, MCPE releases come out quite unexpectedly, for example, take this release..!

So, let’s go through the great update Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.15.0 (Full version) – you can download Minecraft PE 0.15.0 on this page. The download link will be at the end of this page!

New menu

After the first launch Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.15.0 you will see a small informational message asking you to sign in to your Xbox Live account. You can skip this step and continue playing Minecraft PE 0.15.0, but you immediately lose some features. More on them later. To skip signing into your Xbox Live profile, click “Later».Download Minecraft PE 0.15.0 [Full Version]

After which a new game menu opens in front of you, which is combined with Windows 10 edition. In the new graphic menu you can see completely new menu buttons. Such as: «Achievement“,”Shop“,”Login to profile” (if you are not logged into your Xbox Live profile), as well as the “hanger” icon – clicking on which will open the skins menu.Download Minecraft PE 0.15.0 [Full Version]


In the achievements menu, you can see your statistics (if you are signed in to an Xbox Live account) achievements in Minecraft Pocket Edition. The statistics will be loaded after you sign in to Xbox Live. The achievements statistics will display:

  • Player score.
  • Achievements (number).
  • Time to play.

There you will also see a list of all achievements.Download Minecraft PE 0.15.0 [Full Version]

New skins menu

Minecraft Pocket Edition developers have also updated the skins section. More precisely, they have created a completely new, more convenient skins menu, which looks very nice, and is also very convenient. In the skins menu, you will see two small windows at the top, which display default skins и recent skins. Below these two windows you can see the menu of all skin packs. Each skin pack usually contains free skins. To select a skin, click on it and then click on the button “Confirm skin»
Download Minecraft PE 0.15.0 [Full Version]

Texture packs store

To go to the MINECRAFT STORE, click on the button “Shop” in the main menu, near the button “Setting” In the texture packs store for Minecraft Pocket Edition you can choose a suitable texture pack – naturally, only after payment. Also in this menu you can see the menu “Skin sets” – choose the skin set you like – click on it.Download Minecraft PE 0.15.0 [Full Version]

A set of these skins will open in front of you. As a rule, some of the skins will be open. You can install open skins on your Minecraft Pocket Edition game client absolutely free of charge. To open paid skins, you need to buy the entire skin pack. Also, to see the texture pack in more detail, click on it, and you will open a new window with detailed screenshots of the selected texture.Download Minecraft PE 0.15.0 [Full Version]

You can also add your own textures or textures downloaded from our site or another Internet source to Minecraft Pocket Edition. To add your texture pack to MCPE – Go to settings. Then you will see a new menu item: Texture packs. Press the “Manage” button to go to the texture packs menu.Download Minecraft PE 0.15.0 [Full Version]

Here you can upload your textures. Create a folder “resource_packs” in the path games/com.mojang/, then unzip the archive with the textures you need and move only the folder with the textures from this archive to the folder “resource_packs”. For example, our textures are called Faithful.Download Minecraft PE 0.15.0 [Full Version]

MCPE Worlds Menu

What has not been missed by Minecraft Pocket Edition players is the completely new world menu in Minecraft Pocket Edition – like the one on the Windows 10 edition of Minecraft Pocket Edition. The MCPE world menu is divided into three sub-menus:

  • Worlds — the main list of worlds.
  • realms — list of your servers.
  • Friends – your friends online.

Download Minecraft PE 0.15.0 [Full Version]
Download Minecraft PE 0.15.0 [Full Version]
Download Minecraft PE 0.15.0 [Full Version]


Realms is a new server system Minecraft PE, which appeared in Minecraft PE 0.15.0. You can order a Realms server to play with friends in the “Realms” section of the MCPE world creation tab. To create a server, click “New Realm”.Download Minecraft PE 0.15.0 [Full Version]

You will be offered two types of Realms servers: a server for 2 and 10 players. You can create a Realms server for free, but after 30 calendar days, more than $7 will be debited from your account. If you can afford to create this type of server, go ahead!Download Minecraft PE 0.15.0 [Full Version]

Village in the Savannah

This is a new type of village in Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.15.0 (The seed for this village is here!). This type of villages will now generate in the savannah. The villages, as you can see, are built from acacia wood, from trees that were grown in the same biome.Download Minecraft PE 0.15.0 [Full Version]Download Minecraft PE 0.15.0 [Full Version]

The foundation (walls) of the houses are made of mossy boulders – this makes these villages more gloomy.. The inhabitants of such villages are not quite ordinary – they sit in their houses during the day, and go out into the street at night. You ask why this is so? It’s simple – they turned into zombies after being bitten by other zombies. Now these residents are doomed forever..Download Minecraft PE 0.15.0 [Full Version]

Village in the taiga

The Taiga Village is also a new type of village that will be generated in the corresponding biome. Such villages will be built from common cobblestone and dark wood typical for the taiga.

This village looks very cool against the backdrop of all these tall villages.
Download Minecraft PE 0.15.0 [Full Version]

Soon our site will contain a lot of unique seeds, thanks to which you will be able to find unique generations of villages in the winter biome, taiga, savanna and other biomes.Download Minecraft PE 0.15.0 [Full Version]

Jungle temple

Jungle Temples are a completely new type of generation in Minecraft Pocket Edition. In the jungle temples you will find two treasure chests. But keep in mind that all the chests are very well hidden and disguised. The fact that you saw the chest does not mean that it is yours.Download Minecraft PE 0.15.0 [Full Version]
Download Minecraft PE 0.15.0 [Full Version]
There are many different mechanisms in the temple that block your access to the chests, and when you try to take the jewels, you are subject to death (Here is a seed for a temple in the jungle). This seed describes how to bypass all the temple traps and open the second, hidden chest!Download Minecraft PE 0.15.0 [Full Version]
Download Minecraft PE 0.15.0 [Full Version]

The article is being updated… thank you for being with us!

Other versions of Minecraft for Android:
Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.2.8
Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.2
Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.1.5
Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.1.0
Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.0.0
Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.17.0
Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.16.0
Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.15.0
If for some reason the link below does not download MCPE 0.15.0, then you can download the game here:

Download Minecraft PE 0.15.0 Alpha (Full Version)
Download Minecraft PE 0.15.0 Alpha Android 2.3.6+ (Full version)

Published by: admin-planet
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Notice: Only variables should be passed by reference in /var/www/ on line 1152
0.15, Bedrock Edition, Release
ОS: Android

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