oSzoukaua’s: Pillaging Friends!
by oSzoukauaThere is a 1/26 possibility for a Pillager to appear accompanied by a companion Wolf that will assist in battle! Overview: Experience the thrill of encountering pillagers who may come equipped with a “Hound” (wolf) to aid them in combat! Stay alert and prepared for this exciting addition! Important Information: This modification operates on the […]
Version Detector
by AndrewGaming587Utilize an API for Datapacks to Determine Your Minecraft Version Version Detector serves as an API dedicated to datapacks that facilitates the identification of the Minecraft version being utilized. While it may not offer extensive functionality on its own, it proves to be an advantageous tool for complementing other datapacks. This innovative pack exploits the […]
Customizable Dragon AI
by AndrewGaming587Enhance Your Minecraft Experience with the Customizable Dragon AI Mod for MCPE The Customizable Dragon AI is an innovative mod tailored for Minecraft Pocket Edition (MCPE) versions 1.20.3 and above. This mod empowers players to modify the behavior and intelligence of the formidable Ender Dragon, making your gameplay more dynamic and engaging. To access the […]