Utilize an API for Datapacks to Determine Your Minecraft Version
Version Detector serves as an API dedicated to datapacks that facilitates the identification of the Minecraft version being utilized. While it may not offer extensive functionality on its own, it proves to be an advantageous tool for complementing other datapacks.
This innovative pack exploits the mechanism of Minecraft where any function containing incorrect syntax gets eliminated upon loading the datapack. For instance, the command “execute if entity @e[type=pillager]” is deemed invalid in version 1.13, as Pillagers had yet to be introduced. This leads to the entire function being disregarded in 1.13, while it operates without issues in version 1.14 and beyond due to the absence of syntax errors following the addition of Pillagers, allowing for error-free execution. Each function adjusts a value within a scoreboard objective, gradually transitioning to the subsequent function characterized by a different syntax. An example of this transition is shifting from “execute if entity @e[type=pillager]” in the 1.14 function to “execute if entity @e[type=bee]” in the 1.15 function. This adjustment checks for another feature. If the chain is interrupted at any stage, the number ceases to update, thereby indicating your active version of Minecraft.
The version’s identification is recorded within a score labeled “MinecraftVersion” under the “VersionInfo” objective. This score ranges from 0 (representing version 1.13) to 15, which corresponds to the latest detectable version, currently 25w03a.
Below is a comprehensive list of detected versions, arranged sequentially from the earliest to the most recent, commencing with ID 0 (version 1.13) and advancing upwards:
- 1.13.x
- 1.14.x
- 1.15.x
- 1.16.x
- 1.17.x
- 1.18.x
- 1.19.x
- 1.20 – 1.20.1
- 1.20.2
- 1.20.3 – 1.20.4
- 1.20.5
- 1.21 – 1.21.1
- 1.21.2 – 1.21.3
- 1.21.4
- Snapshot 25w02a
- Snapshot 25w03a and above