for example: spider-man skin
Send your resource pack without the need for uploading it directly. Overview of ResourcePackNoUpload Plugin This tool for Minecraft servers allows administrators to efficiently handle and circulate resource packs without relying on external hosting services. Getting Started The RNU will automatically generate configuration templates if they are absent, but it requires further adjustments to function […]
A CraftTweaker addon that enables customization of loot tables with ZenScript Introducing LootTweaker LootTweaker is an innovative addon for CraftTweaker, granting players the ability to modify loot tables using ZenScript files. Unlike the vanilla loot table system, which only allows for overriding existing tables or creating new ones from scratch, LootTweaker provides a flexible way […]
Implementing diverse enhancements to the food-related interface. Primarily a client-side modification with server-side requirements to ensure precise display of saturation and exhaustion data. — Insightful Updates by AppleSkin Mod AppleSkin introduces improvements for various in-game food mechanics that are typically hidden. It enhances the gaming experience by offering detailed information on exhaustion and saturation aspects […]
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