Shaders Unbelievable 0.14.1

22:54, 11.04.2016
Shaders Unbelievable 0.14.1

Unbelievable Shaders will completely transform the graphics of Minecraft: Pocket Edition and your perception of this amazing game! With the Unbelievable shaders, the game’s visuals become much more lifelike; water features realistic textures and animations, including transparency and waves. Plants, tree leaves, grass, and flowers sway gently in the wind. The sky in Minecraft Pocket Edition will also undergo a noticeable change, both during the day and at night.

After installing the Unbelievable shaders, the water will appear incredibly realistic.Unbelievable Shaders 0.14.1

Shadows look fantastic as well. Upon closer inspection, you may notice a slight blur effect, likely added to soften the block textures that the shadows fall upon.Unbelievable Shaders 0.14.1

The night sky boasts a beautiful dark blue hue, while the moon has an intriguing texture and shines very brightly.Unbelievable Shaders 0.14.1

How to Install Unbelievable Shader:

  • Download the shaders.
  • Open BlockLauncher Pro.
  • Click on the wrench icon.
  • Go to BL Settings.
  • Enable texture support.
  • Navigate to Texture Pack and click Import.
  • Locate the downloaded shaders in your device’s file system and select them.
  • Enjoy your new textures!
  • The archive includes scripts—install them for enhanced shader realism.

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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