Shaders KMPE™ 0.14.0/0.13.1/0.12.3

16:31, 06.02.2016
Shaders KMPE™ 0.14.0/0.13.1/0.12.3

KMPE™ Shaders come with a variety of unique features and capabilities that set them apart from other shaders. The KMPE™ shaders create realistic 3D fog in the world of Minecraft Pocket Edition, which appears for a while before dissipating.

Additionally, these shaders modify the game’s lighting; when you place a torch anywhere, you’ll notice a shimmering light on the walls that looks incredibly lifelike! Another interesting aspect of the lighting is that reflections appear on water surfaces when illuminated. If you look closely at the water, you can see waves, but only in rivers and oceans—small swamps won’t show any waves.

The KMPE™ shaders are truly impressive and realistic shaders that will transform Minecraft Pocket Edition with new stunning textures, making the game even more enjoyable—one you’ll want to play over and over again!


  • 3D Fog (also generated in caves and settles on water)
  • Water with reflections and a multitude of shimmering shades!
  • Glowing precious ores
  • Vibrant sky and clouds
  • Flashes in the clouds at night
  • Enhanced blur effects for the sun and moon
  • Blue shadows in the distance
  • Waves effect under water
  • Modified lightning (blue color, variable brightness, and more movement)
  • Blurred grass, glass, etc., in the distance
  • Improved rain: blurred raindrops and wind that tilts the rain
  • Unique atmosphere in the Nether due to new lighting and lava
  • Smooth shadows that change based on time of day, fog, and rain
  • Altered artificial lighting
  • Amazing night sky with slightly transparent clouds
  • Changes in natural lighting: sunlight, sunset, cloudy weather, and moonlight
  • Leaves, grass, lily pads, vines, nether wart, and flames move
  • Lighting changes from torches: redder at the edges + flickering light like fire.
  • Support for using other texture packs


KMPE™ Shaders 0.14.0/0.13.1/0.12.3
KMPE™ Shaders 0.14.0/0.13.1/0.12.3
KMPE™ Shaders 0.14.0/0.13.1/0.12.3
KMPE™ Shaders 0.14.0/0.13.1/0.12.3
KMPE™ Shaders 0.14.0/0.13.1/0.12.3
KMPE™ Shaders 0.14.0/0.13.1/0.12.3
KMPE™ Shaders 0.14.0/0.13.1/0.12.3
KMPE™ Shaders 0.14.0/0.13.1/0.12.3
KMPE™ Shaders 0.14.0/0.13.1/0.12.3

How to Install KMPE™ Shader:

  • Download the shaders.
  • Launch BlockLauncher Pro.
  • Click on the wrench icon.
  • Go to BL Settings.
  • Enable texture support.
  • Navigate to Texture Pack and click Import.
  • Now locate the downloaded shaders in your device’s file system and select them.
  • Enjoy your newly installed textures!

Скачать шейдеры KMPE™
Download [31.78 Kb] downloads: 57

Версия: 2.4 [Magic Sky Update] для [0.13.x]

Скачать шейдеры KMPE™
Download [216.68 Kb] downloads: 8

Версия: 2.3 [Enchanting Water Update] для [0.12.x]

Скачать шейдеры KMPE™
Download [212.04 Kb] downloads: 7

Версия: 2.2 [Flackern Update] для [0.12.x]

Скачать шейдеры KMPE™
Download [195.20 Kb] downloads: 2

Версия: 2.0 [Legendary Update] для [0.12.x]

Скачать шейдеры KMPE™
Download [181.81 Kb] downloads: 10

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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