Craddy shaders

10:19, 17.07.2022
Craddy shaders

Craddy serves as the ideal choice for low to mid-range devices running Minecraft PE. These shaders transform numerous elements within the game – we will elaborate on this further below.

Features of Craddy Shaders

The creator has successfully modified MCPE and introduced new features:

  • Atmospheric fog across all biomes in the game
  • Rustling leaves on trees and other vegetation
  • Dynamic lighting effects
  • Enhanced textures for the sky and celestial bodies
  • Improved textures for blocks in the Nether and End dimensions
  • High-quality sky visuals for the End dimension
  • Stunning sunsets, particles in Minecraft, and water effects

Вид издали | Шейдеры Craddy

Берег | Шейдеры Craddy

Закат | Шейдеры Craddy

Второй закат | Шейдеры Craddy

Край | Шейдеры Craddy

Нижний мир | Шейдеры Craddy

Портал в нижнем мире | Шейдеры Craddy

Currently, shaders are only functional on the release version of 1.18.30 and do not alter the resolution in the game. Good luck!

Совместимо с устройствами: iOS / Android / Windows 10

Скачать шейдеры Craddy (.mcaddon) [Обязательно!]

Скачать Craddy
Download [4.81 Mb] downloads: 31

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.18 ОS: Android

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