Zombie Village in Savanna [0.15.x]

12:27, 08.06.2016
Zombie Village in Savanna [0.15.x]
Zombie Village in Savanna [0.15.x]

Zombie village appears to be a new type of settlement in Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.15.0. In this seed, you will find yourself near one of these villages in MCPE! From a distance, the village looks deserted, as if no one resides there. However, that’s not entirely true. Once you explore the houses, you’ll realize that the village does exhibit signs of life, albeit unusual ones among its inhabitants.

After spawning in the world of MCPE, head diagonally to the left towards the savanna biome. After a short while, you will discover the village. The closer you get, the more peculiar it seems. The buildings are covered in cobwebs and mossy cobblestones.Zombie village in Savanna [0.15.x]

As you enter the homes, you’ll notice that all the villagers have perished, leaving behind only their “corpses,” which now lead a zombie-like existence. These villagers were once devoured by other zombies, leading to a mutation of their internal cells. The zombie residents will emerge from their houses only after sunset when the moon rises—at night..Zombie village in Savanna [0.15.x]

The village itself may not appear particularly unique at first glance, but who knows? It could become one of the most popular seeds for MCPE in the future.. Maybe 🙂Zombie village in Savanna [0.15.x]

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 0.15 ОS: Android

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