Zombie Spawner [0.15.x]

05:00, 29.08.2016
Zombie Spawner [0.15.x]
Zombie Spawner [0.15.x]

This seed spawns players in a jungle, right by the sea, where you can settle down and enjoy your time. The seed is designed for Minecraft PE 0.15+.

Upon arrival, as mentioned earlier, you’ll find yourself in the jungle:
Beach near the jungle [0.15.x]

However, the coastline you’re looking for will be very close, so you won’t have to search for long:
Beach near the jungle [0.15.x]

This seed may not be the most popular choice and might not appeal to everyone, but there are players who specifically seek out such terrain generation!

Here are some screenshots:
Beach near the jungle [0.15.x]
Beach near the jungle [0.15.x]

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 0.15 ОS: Android

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