Three Sand Villages and Two Wells Nearby [0.14.x]

14:37, 02.04.2016
Three Sand Villages and Two Wells Nearby [0.14.x]
Three Sand Villages and Two Wells Nearby [0.14.x]

In this location, you will have a rare chance to discover three sandy villages that are situated quite close to one another. Two of these villages appear as a single entity due to their proximity. Almost every village features its own blacksmith (though the second village lacks one). As always, you’ll have the unique opportunity to explore the blacksmith’s chests and see what treasures they hold for you!

How to reach the villages?

Once you enter the MCPE world, swim diagonally across the river to the right, then ascend onto land on the opposite shore. You should be able to spot a well in front of you. In the distance, if your render distance is set to maximum, you can catch sight of the first two villages. Continue in the same direction as shown in the image below to reach the villages.Three sandy villages and two wells in the vicinity [0.14.x]
Three sandy villages and two wells in the vicinity [0.14.x]

Upon reaching the village, you’ll notice numerous houses, and beyond the settlement lies an exotic savanna. Additionally, consider installing the Pocket Creatures mod to introduce tropical animals and more into your Minecraft Pocket Edition experience. Three sandy villages and two wells in the vicinity [0.14.x]
Three sandy villages and two wells in the vicinity [0.14.x]

In the first village (to the left), there is a blacksmith whose chest contains the following items:

  • 1 iron pickaxe.
  • 6 gold ingots.
  • 1 iron helmet.
  • 3 saplings.
  • 1 loaf of bread.

Three sandy villages and two wells in the vicinity [0.14.x]

Both the first and second villages boast several beautiful buildings worth examining closely.

To reach the third village, head past the tall savanna hill diagonally to the left.Three sandy villages and two wells in the vicinity [0.14.x]

Near it, you will encounter the third village, which also has a blacksmith who has hidden some valuable items for you to take.

  • 6 iron ingots
  • 1 apple
  • 1 pair of iron boots
  • 1 loaf of bread.

Three sandy villages and two wells in the vicinity [0.14.x]

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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