Seed with Pillagers, Zombie Villages, and Shipwreck 1.16

15:07, 18.05.2020
Seed with Pillagers, Zombie Villages, and Shipwreck 1.16
Seed with Pillagers, Zombie Villages, and Shipwreck 1.16

On the seed featuring bandits, zombie villages, and a shipwreck, you’ll discover a plethora of fascinating locations. You’ve probably gathered this from the seed’s name, right? So there’s no need to delay; let’s dive into the tour.

What to Expect on the Seed with Bandits, Zombie Villages, and a Shipwreck

In Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.16, you will spawn by a river. Make sure to turn left and follow its flow. The first thing that will catch your eye on the seed with bandits and zombie villages is the shipwreck. After that, you’ll encounter a zombie village.

Seed with pillagers, zombie villages, and shipwreck in 1.16   Seeds for MinecraftWhat to do with them in MCBE is entirely up to you. However, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to cure them early in the gameplay. If you venture a little to the left, you’ll come across a village inhabited by regular villagers. Further along, you’ll discover a small inlet. Diving into it reveals a stunning array of corals – truly beautiful!

Seed with pillagers, zombie villages, and shipwreck in 1.16 Seeds for MinecraftAhead, you will encounter a snowy biome. This is where you’ll find the pillagers waiting for you at their outpost. Beyond that, another village inhabited by zombies awaits you in MCPE. As you can see, this seed features a wealth of intriguing locations. Be sure to explore them all!

Don’t forget to generate your world using the seed!

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.16 ОS: Android

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  • На данный момент версия моего Майнкрафта самая новейшая, 1.16. Скопировала и вставила сил, а толку никакого. Появилась возле рек, холмов. Никаких деревень и кораблей там не было!