Seed with Ice Spikes and Abandoned Village 1.16

16:10, 14.05.2020
Seed with Ice Spikes and Abandoned Village 1.16
Seed with Ice Spikes and Abandoned Village 1.16

Abandoned villages in Minecraft Bedrock Edition are quite uncommon. Additionally, ice spikes aren’t found in every arctic biome. This seed combines these two distinctive structures: the ice spikes and a deserted village. Not far away, there’s also a pillager outpost.

Сид с ледяными шипами и заброшенной деревней 1.16 | Сиды для Minecraft

What to Expect from the Seed with Icy Spikes and an Abandoned Village

Well, well! The seed featuring icy spikes and an abandoned village drops you in MCPE not exactly where you’d want to be—right on a tree! So, what should you do? First, turn around and orient yourself towards the towering mountain. Next, make your way down and locate the river.

Seed with ice spikes and an abandoned village 1.16 Seeds for MinecraftTo locate the seed featuring ice spikes and an abandoned village, head upstream towards the direction of the tall mountain in MCBE. With a good quality preset in Minecraft Bedrock Edition, you will be able to spot the ice spikes from a distance.

Seed with Ice Spikes and Abandoned Village 1.16 Seeds for MinecraftOnce you reach the ice spikes in Minecraft on your mobile device, aiming to discover an abandoned snowy village, you’ll need to traverse this biome—stay on course! The spike biome is quite elongated, requiring you to run approximately 200 blocks straight ahead.

Seed with ice spikes and an abandoned village 1.16 Seeds for MinecraftNear the abandoned village, the seed featuring ice spikes offers a delightful surprise in Minecraft on your tablet. In the next biome, you’ll find a outpost and a village situated closely together. Can you imagine the chaos that ensues when a raid begins? Check out the seed and experience it for yourself!

If you’re eager to explore this amazing seed, generate the location using the key.

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.16 ОS: Android

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