Seed for Mountains, Water, and Caves 1.4

08:30, 14.08.2018
Seed for Mountains, Water, and Caves 1.4
Seed for Mountains, Water, and Caves 1.4

Seed for Mountains, Water, and Caves 1.4
On this seed in Minecraft Bedrock, you will discover long rivers flowing between hills found in Minecraft Bedrock. There is plenty of fish available for catching.
Seed for Mountains, Water, and Caves 1.4
In Minecraft, towering mountains await. Climbing to the top of one and leaping into the water below provides a delightful experience, as you’ll be diving from a height into warm waters!
Seed for Mountains, Water, and Caves 1.4
Additionally, there are caves of various sizes where you can gather different resources that will be beneficial for your gameplay.

Enjoy your game!

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.4

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