On this seed in Minecraft Pocket Edition, you will find yourself in a delightful area featuring plains with small caves where you can gather resources and discover pathways to water sources in Minecraft PE. Directly opposite, there is a desert in MCPE that also contains caves along with some vegetation. A long winding river flows through the center of Minecraft Pocket Edition.
In Minecraft PE, you’ll encounter a large body of water that begins as a river and stretches all the way to the edge of the world, creating a stunning sight in MCPE. The shores are lined with sand, enhancing its beauty.
Nearby, there’s an impressive mountain that continues part of the forest located below. Once you reach the summit, you’ll be rewarded with breathtaking views of the plains on one side and the desert on the other.
Seed for Many Water Bodies, Island with a Mountain and Trees 1.2
Enjoy your game!
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