Seed for Island, Forests, and Snowy Forest Nearby 1.2

08:00, 29.11.2017
Seed for Island, Forests, and Snowy Forest Nearby 1.2
Seed for Island, Forests, and Snowy Forest Nearby 1.2

On this seed in Minecraft Pocket Edition, you will discover a variety of forests within Minecraft PE. You can also find birch, spruce, and oak forests nearby on the MCPE platform.
Seed for Island, Forests, and Snowy Forest Nearby 1.2
Upon spawning in Minecraft Pocket Edition, you’ll notice that you’ve appeared on a small island in Minecraft PE!
Seed for Island, Forests, and Snowy Forest Nearby 1.2
Nearby, on the MCPE platform, there is a large spruce forest where all the trees are covered in snow, along with a birch forest close by.
Seed for Island, Forests, and Snowy Forest Nearby 1.2

Enjoy your game!

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.2 ОS: Android

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