On this seed in Minecraft Pocket Edition, you will discover a vast desert, adjacent to which there are two biomes in Minecraft PE. In one biome, you’ll find various trees such as birch and oak on the MCPE platform, while nearby is an acacia biome!
You can also spot a small mountain within the acacia biome in Minecraft Pocket Edition. This area features several trees and offers a stunning view of the landscape. The mountain contains a cave where players can take shelter on the MCPE platform.
Additionally, there’s a long river flowing through the game, situated between the acacia biome and another forest. On the side with the acacia, you’ll find a lava spring.
You will also encounter a truly unique sight—massive mountains adorned with trees, from which waterfalls cascade down into the lower parts of the world.
Seed for Incredible Mountains 1.2
Enjoy your gaming!
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