Seed for 2 Villages in Desert and Plains 1.2

08:30, 30.08.2017
Seed for 2 Villages in Desert and Plains 1.2
Seed for 2 Villages in Desert and Plains 1.2

On this seed in Minecraft Pocket Edition, you can explore two stunning villages in Minecraft PE 1.2. They are located close to each other, making it very convenient for gameplay on the MCPE platform. This seed features two distinct villages: one set in a desert and the other in a plains biome.
Seed for 2 Villages in Desert and Plains 1.2
You will first encounter the village in the plains before reaching the desert village in Minecraft Pocket Edition on the MCPE platform.
Seed for 2 Villages in Desert and Plains 1.2
Nearby, you’ll find a beautiful water body nestled among trees in a coniferous forest, creating an appealing sight. It would be delightful to take a swim in it while exploring this seed.
Seed for 2 Villages in Desert and Plains 1.2

Enjoy your game!

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.2 ОS: Android

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