Seed for 2 Villages (1 Large, 1 Small) 1.2

08:00, 26.10.2017
Seed for 2 Villages (1 Large, 1 Small) 1.2
Seed for 2 Villages (1 Large, 1 Small) 1.2

On this site, a winding river flows near a coniferous forest in Minecraft Pocket Edition, wrapping around a small island on the MCPE platform.
Seed for 2 Villages (1 Large, 1 Small) 1.2
You can also discover a quaint village in Minecraft Pocket Edition.
Seed for 2 Villages (1 Large, 1 Small) 1.2
Although it is small, there are plenty of growing plants in Minecraft PE 1.2. Additionally, there’s another village nearby on the MCPE platform, which has more resources due to its larger population and number of houses compared to the first village.
Seed for 2 Villages (1 Large, 1 Small) 1.2
I really appreciate that sugar cane grows near the village, which can be harvested for survival purposes.
Seed for 2 Villages (1 Large, 1 Small) 1.2

Enjoy your game!

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.2

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