Perfect Survival Island [0.15.x]

12:54, 05.08.2016
Perfect Survival Island [0.15.x]
Perfect Survival Island [0.15.x]
On this island, you’ll find yourself in an incredibly cool location that is simply perfect for survival. You might wonder why this island is ideal for surviving?! In our view, the landscape here is much more realistic – featuring a waterfall, varied terrain, trees, and the overall positioning of the island itself. Surrounding the island is nothing but water. At the center, there’s a rising hill adorned with trees, which you can utilize to craft your tools. Additionally, you can encounter pigs, cows, and other animals grazing on the grass.

Another fascinating aspect is that the island features a remarkably realistic waterfall generated during world creation. While water isn’t the main element of the island, it certainly adds to its visual appeal!Perfect Survival Island [0.15.x]

Here’s a view of the overhanging hill. It looks quite extreme if you were to slip at the top!Perfect Survival Island [0.15.x]

This is the entrance leading down to a tunnel.Perfect Survival Island [0.15.x]

The tunnel leads to a dead end. For some reason, the water hasn’t flooded the tunnel.Perfect Survival Island [0.15.x]
Perfect Survival Island [0.15.x]

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 0.15 ОS: Android

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